Latest on Spirit Embassy church leader prophet Uebert Angel


Continent set to benefit from preacher’s experience in uniting faiths

Uebert Angel, founder of the Spirit Embassy church, has been appointed Ambassador for Interfaith Dialogue and Humanitarian Affairs by the African Union’s Pan African Parliament.

The AU recognized Angel’s credentials, experience and commitment to advancing interfaith cooperation and humanitarian work. He joins three other PAP Ambassadors and will help promote communication, respect and cooperation among people of different religions across Africa.

As the leader of a church with over 3.5 million members worldwide, Angel has deep insights into religious diversity and uniting people of different faiths.

In his new role, he will engage with religious leaders, governments and aid groups to promote religious tolerance, understanding and peaceful coexistence in African communities.

Angel will also focus on strengthening humanitarian efforts. Through his Uebert Angel Foundation, he has donated over US$7 million to relief efforts during COVID-19 including US$4 million in Zimbabwe. The AU hopes his philanthropic work and diverse experience will bring positive change and create platforms for interfaith harmony and collaborative aid across the continent.

The appointment recognizes Angel’s tireless dedication and passion for uniting people, and Africans are set to benefit from his experience in breaking down barriers between faiths.

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