2023 ELECTIONS: Listen to what Chihuri and 4 others said about ED Mnangagwa and Zanu PF


Zanu PF supporters in Rusape say the revolutionary party has their unyielding loyalty because it delivered independence, champions development and attends to their needs.

Thousands gathered today for a rally addressed by VP Chiwenga. National political commissar Mike Bimha said the party will share its development plans after the elections.

Supporters declared their unwavering support for President Mnangagwa and Zanu PF, saying the party has transformed their lives.

Cde Edgar Chihuri said: “We love Zanu PF because it’s a party we grew up in. It’s our political home. Some of the things we love about the party include the manner in which it develops our infrastructure like roads and the construction of dams.”

Tonderai Chikomo revealed: “I love Zanu PF for delivering independence, land reform and infrastructure. But most of all I love President Mnangagwa’s vision. He champion’s development that improves people’s lives. His plans for the next 5 years put people first and will move Zimbabwe forward.”

Lydia Mudyiwa, a war collaborator and resettled farmer said: “Zanu PF is a party entrenched in our history. I was born in Zanu PF, became a war collaborator and helped deliver independence while working in Zanu PF. Today we are working on the land as resettled farmers.

“We are getting Government support through programmes such as Pfumvudza. So, how can I consider any fly-by-night party? I have taught all my children that Zanu PF is the party of yesterday, today and tomorrow and we will all continue to vote for it,”

Joyce Bukuta agreed: “Zanu PF brought us the independence that we treasure and enjoy today. It’s the party that brought us the land reform. Our roads are being rehabilitated, dams are being constructed. In farms, we are getting support. How can we not love such a party?”

Jacqueline Nyagomo said the party prioritizes people’s wishes: “Zanu PF is a party that prioritises people’s wishes and aspirations. It is a party that fulfils its promises”.

The supporters pledge to vote for President Mnangagwa and Zanu PF candidates, confident the party will deliver more development.

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