Court drama erupts as ex Zanu PF commissar Saviour Kasukuwere refuses to back down in race for power


Lawyers representing exiled independent presidential candidate, Saviour Kasukuwere, have hit back at Zanu PF members seeking to block him from running in the August 23 elections. They have suggested that the party members should de-campaign him instead of approaching the courts.

A Zanu PF member, Lovedale Mangwana, has launched a court challenge, seeking to have Kasukuwere’s candidature rejected because he has been out of the country for more than 18 months. Mangwana argues that Kasukuwere has to be disqualified in line with the constitution and electoral laws.

However, Kasukuwere’s lawyer, Edith Utete, has argued that there is no proof that her client has been out of the country during the mentioned period. She also pointed out that Mangwana had no legal standing to approach the High Court to say his rights had been infringed.

Utete has suggested that Mangwana could de-campaign Kasukuwere instead of approaching the court. She also argued that the decision of the nomination court to accept Kasukuwere’s bid cannot be faulted.

The case continues, with both sides presenting their arguments to the High Court. It remains to be seen whether Kasukuwere will be allowed to run in the election or not.

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