4 rallies banned in one week!: Is Zanu PF afraid of Chamisa’s popularity surge?

CCC leader Nelson Chamisa

CCC rallies continue to be rained on as Zimbabwe’s election climate heats up. The main opposition party’s rally planned for Bindura on Sunday never got off the ground after police banned it.

Cops reckon the bushy venue is unsanitary with no toilets or roads and would turn into a health hazard. They said if things kicked off, they couldn’t reach the rally goers due to lack of proper access.

CCC leader Nelson Chamisa, 45, is desperate to end old man Emmerson Mnangagwa’s 43 year Zanu-PF rule in the August polls. But the prez’s men are trying to frustrate him.

This is the fourth opposition rally banned in a week! Number two man Tendai Biti slammed the no-nos, saying they “reduce this election to an absolute charade”.

Zimbabwe is suffering badly with inflation, poverty and no jobs. The rallies would have given Chamisa a chance to tell the struggling people about his plans to fix things. But the police are trying to put a stop to that.

Will nasty tactics steal this election for Zanu-PF? Or can the opposition rally enough support even with one hand tied behind their backs? We’ll just have to wait and see!

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