JUST IN: Sweet news for Zimbabweans living and working in South Africa

South Africa Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi

The Pretoria High Court has ruled that South Africa’s Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi must cease the arrest and deportation of people who do not possess valid Zimbabwean Exemption Permits.

This decision comes after over 170,000 Zimbabweans residing in South Africa under ZEP were given a grace period to migrate to other mainstream permits, which were set to expire on June 30th.

However, the South African Home Affairs Department has extended the renewal of permits to December 31st, with the exception of Zimbabwe Exemption Permit (ZEP) holders whose permits expire on June 30th of this year.

These individuals have until the end of June to get documented, after which some may be required to return home.

It was previously stated by South Africa’s Cabinet in November 2021 that no further concessions would be made for ZEP holders.

Future developments are expected to follow…

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