Lula lula drama as neighbours share wife: Mabika is free to dɑte any man

Hosea Nyadombo, Nyasha Mabika and Kelvin Maponde

A prǝgnɑnt Makoni woman recently left her live-in b0yfriend of two years to stay with their neighbour.

This was recently revealed before Chief Makoni’s community court when Hosea Nyadombo sued Kelvin Maponde for having an ɑffɑir with his partner.

He was demanding eight beasts as compensation.

“My wife, Nyasha Mabika, left home on the pretext of going to fetch firewood, but never returned. I later heard from fellow villagers that my wife was staying with Maponde.

“Nyasha was four months prǝgnɑnt when she deserted me. I informed my in-laws of what had transpired. However, they refused to interrogate the issue.

“Three weeks ago, Maponde approached me, informing that the child Mabika was carrying died upon birth and that I should accompany him to the mortuary to process the burial papers since I was the father.

“We haggled over the issue and some village elders tried to intervene, but there was no solution to the impasse. The f0etus is still at Rusape General Hospital mortuary. Considering what Maponde did to me, I want him to pay me eight beasts,” declared Nyadombo.

Maponde admitted taking Mabika in while she was already prǝgnɑnt, but claimed that he met her in Harare, adding that he was not aware that she was “mɑrried” to Nyadombo.

“I met Mabika in Harare around March and we fell in l0ve. She was staying with her parents. I accepted her despite her prǝgnɑncy. She told me that she was a divorcee. I was not aware that her former ‘husband’ is a neighbour in our rural home. I am yet to pay her bride price,” he said.

Mabika also confirmed meeting Nyadombo in Harare. She claimed she left Maponde because of his abusive nature.

However, the court threw out the case since none of the two men has paid bride price for Mabika.

Chief Makoni said since Mabika is not mɑrried to any of them, Maponde cannot sue for adultǝry.

The court further ruled that Mabika is free to dɑte any man.

“This is a clear case of village pr0miscuity before us. Nyadombo stayed with Mabika for two years without paying lobola. The court cannot award you eight beasts when you did not mɑrry her. You cannot reap profit where you did not invest.

“However, Mabika is a pr0miscu0us woman who has no shame. In our culture, we also have women of loose morals who can entertain men of their choice.

“The case is dismissed and pertaining the f0etus at the mortuary, if you continue haggling on who will bury it, it will be accorded a pauper’s burial by the State,” ruled Chief Makoni.

— Manica Post

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