Honda Fit driver attacks passenger, gets away with goods worth US$930 and US$120 cash


A 27-year-old woman returning from South Africa was robbed of goods worth US$930 including US$120 and R1 100 cash by a Honda Fit taxi driver in Gweru.

Police spokesperson Insp Mahoko said the incident happened last Thursday around 6pm in Mkoba high density suburb.

He said the victim had just arrived from South Africa when she boarded an unregistered grey Honda Fit cab at Zuva Service Station along Lobengula Ave.

When the taxi reached Takwirira Primary School in Mkoba 17, the driver allegedly stopped the vehicle, hit the woman with a stick and demanded she hand over all her belongings while threatening to kill her.

The thief took two cellphones – a Samsung A3 and Black Nokia – as well as two bags containing clothes and groceries from the terrified woman.

After committing the crime, the robber cabbie ordered the victim out of the taxi and sped off.

Insp Mahoko appealed to the public for information to arrest the suspect, warning people against boarding unregistered taxis as many are used by criminals.

Police have repeatedly warned the public not to get into unlicensed cabs as most are operated by armed robbers who prey on unsuspecting passengers.

This woman fell victim after grabbing the first taxi she spotted after arriving in Gweru from South Africa, not realizing the driver had criminal intent.

She’s lucky to have escaped with her life, though no doubt traumatized by the experience. Anyone with information on the suspect’s identity or whereabouts should report immediately to police.

The public is urged to be vigilant and only use registered, licensed taxis for safe travel.

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