How a simple disagreement about cooking sadza ended in a tragic double suicide


A young couple took their own lives just hours apart in what police believe was a tragic suicide pact triggered by a petty argument over how sadza should be cooked.

Peter Mukwada, 29, and Pure Gezana, 21 who worked as gardener and maid respectively, apparently quarrelled at their home in Rimai Village after Peter accused Pure of wasting maize meal by using too big a pot for the sadza.

Pure stormed out of the house in anger but never returned. Her body was later found hanging from a tree in nearby bushes. When Peter saw his wife’s body he was overwhelmed with grief. A neighbour found his body hanging from a tree 300 metres away.

The couple leaves behind two young children now orphaned by this senseless tragedy. Inspector Nobert Muzondo said “The dispute seems so minor but it pushed this young couple to take their own lives. We urge anyone experiencing marital issues or depression to seek help rather than harm themselves. There are always alternatives to suicide.”

The sad story reminds us that even small arguments within relationships can trigger profound emotions. Counselling services are standing by to help anyone struggling with suicidal thoughts.

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