Will Kasukuwere run Zimbabwe from abroad if he wins?: Exiled ex minister’s sh0ck election move


South Africa-based ex-minister Saviour Kasukuwere has submitted his papers to run for President. But he remains in hiding and refused to say where.

His lawyer Jacqueline Sande filed the nomination on his behalf. She claims: “He will hit the campaign trail soon. The nomination has been accepted.”

But some doubt Kasukuwere will show up. Reports say he aborted a flight to Harare Airport after learning security agents were waiting for him.

Sande said her client has “no legal issues” stopping him from returning. But Kasukuwere has been in exile in South Africa since fleeing a 2017 military coup. He made a brief return to Zimbabwe in 2018 and fled again after a few months.

He was facing criminal charges which were later dropped. But he stayed away.

Sande said: “He will run his campaign himself. But it should kick off soon.”

But many wonder if the fugitive minister will really show his face or continue his exile campaign for the top job.

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