SO SAD: Man begged for life in vain as attackers stabbed him to death

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Grisly details emerged yesterday after another man was brutally hacked to death in Chinhoyi’s Hunyani high-density suburb.

The body of the poor sod was found in the morning with multiple cut wounds from what cops suspect was a sharp weapon used by the sickos who butchered him.

Police spokesperson Inspector Margaret Chitove confirmed the horrific incident and said investigations were underway but cops have zilch to go on so far.

Locals claim they heard the guy’s bloodcurdling screams as he pleaded for his life around 10 pm before suddenly all went silent. His mutilated remains were discovered nearby the Methodist Church the following day.

Folks living in fear say this isn’t the first time such evil has struck. Just two weeks ago, a little girl found the body of a chopped-up woman in a stream in the same neighbourhood. And another guy survived an attack where his foot was hacked off!

Police are urging anyone with information about who committed these evil acts to come forward immediately before more people are harmed. The brutal killers must be found soon.

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