What will happen to old metal licences in Zimbabwe: What you need to know


THE Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development (MoTiD) has said metal licences will be phased out in due course as part of the measures of introducing the new SADC complainant licence.

The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development in Zimbabwe introduced a new driver’s licence that is compliant with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) standards. It will be launched next week Monday.

The new license will be valid in 25 countries in the SADC, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), and East African Community (EAC) regions.

According to the ministry, the new licence will be available in all provinces and can be obtained through Vehicle Inspection Department (VID) offices. Collection of the new licence will be from the nearest post office, and the acquisition of a new driver’s licence has been decentralized.

In a statement explaining the features and benefits of the new licence, in the frequently asked section, the Ministry said the metal licence will be phased out.

“Are the old metal licence discs going to be phased out and replaced with plastic? -The metal disc remains valid, but MoTiD will announce the phase-out date in future,” said the Ministry.

In terms of retest, the Ministry said: “Once you are a licence holder your photo and biometrics will be updated every 5 years. A vision test will also be conducted during renewal. Validity of 5 years ensure driver’s suitability regarding health and vision: as well as updating of credentials (including biometric),” said the Ministry.

For those on the backlog its validity will be from the date the new plastic licence is issued, the Ministry said and for public service vehicle drivers the old rules will apply.

— Chronicle

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