JUST IN: Mai Titi found guilty, remanded in custody


Felistus Murata, a well-known socialite and Instagram model in Zimbabwe who goes by the name Mai TT, has been found guilty of theft. She was convicted in a Harare court by Magistrate Munashe Chibanda.

She was remanded in custody pending sentencing this Wednesday.

This comes after Mai TT sent social media on overdrive last after her nudǝs leaked. She said that the violation was an act of “revenge” by her ex-husband, (name supplied) and her former friend, (name supplied).

Mai TT said she has since notified authorities in Zimbabwe and the United States of America of the cyber-bullying and revenge p0rn violation, as her ex-husband is reportedly in the US.

In an interview with Chronicle Showbiz, Mai TT said her former friend was given the nudǝs by her ex-husband and the two connived for the pictures and video to leak.

“The only person who had my nudǝs is my ex-husband who gave them to (name supplied). I’ve already reported them both in the countries they live in and here in Zimbabwe,” said Mai TT.

She said her ex-husband was driven by revenge and had no idea what her former friend’s interest was in leaking the nudǝs.

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