Voters’ roll inspection descends into chaos as Zanu PF members run amok ahead of 2023 elections


Citizens across Zimbabwe were sh0cked to discover that Zanu PF affiliates had effectively taken over the voter roll inspection process meant to ensure free and fair elections.

Forever Associates Zimbabwe(Faz), a Zanu PF linked organisation with close ties to state security agencies, showed up uninvited at many polling stations during the inspection period and began demanding proof of Zanu PF membership from voters. Those who could not provide evidence of being Zanu PF members were intimidated and prevented from inspecting the voter roll.

In Shurugwi, opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party agents had to call the police after Faz members refused to leave polling stations, barring voters from inspecting the rolls. Police eventually intervened and ordered Faz to vacate so the inspection could proceed.

Despite ZEC chief elections officer Utoile Silaigwana claiming to be unaware of the incidents, internal Zanu PF memos clearly show the party ordered its structures to use Faz and other groups to ensure only Zanu PF members were on the voter rolls.

The brazen hijacking of the voter inspection process by ruling party surrogates in an attempt to manipulate voters roll and disenfranchise opposition supporters has raised serious alarm about electoral integrity and the threat of violence in the upcoming elections. Citizens and the international community are urging ZEC to intervene and ensure a fair and transparent election free from intimidation.

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