From rags to riches and back again – How mbinga’s ‘generosity’ nearly destroyed this girl’s future

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My name is Memory. I grew up in a small village with my mom and siblings. Money was always scarce and we struggled to make ends meet. But I was smart and determined. I worked hard in school and got a scholarship to attend university in the city.

I was so excited to finally get an education that would open doors for my future. But city life was difficult and expensive. I had to work part-time jobs to afford food and books.

Then I met Tich, a rich older man. He was charming and lavished me with gifts. He offered to pay my school fees and rent if I became his girlfriǝnd. I hesitated at first, but he promised it was only to help me. Desperate for the financial relief, I agreed.

For a while it seemed like a fair arrangement. But Tich soon became possessive and controlling. He demanded more and more of my time. When I protested, he threatened to stop paying for my expenses. I felt trapped in this relati0nship, but saw no way out.

Finally I couldn’t take it anymore. I told Tich I wanted to break up. He flew into a rage, calling me ungrateful and threatening to ruin my reputation if I left him. My heart sank as I realised I had exchanged one kind of poverty for another.

In that moment I vowed to never allow a man to define my self-worth or dictate my future. I would finish my education on my own terms and build a life of independence and dignity. This ugly experience only strengthens my resolve to heal, rise up and thrive. My story is not over, and I am the author of my own destiny.

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