Chaos as goblin manifests on woman during court session demanding to be moved to a younger girl

The Nyamukafata family

A NYANGA man whose grandchildren and livestock are allegedly being terrorised by his ƨǝx-starved goblins is appealing for help to locate the traditional healer who sold him the unnatural beings.

The Nyamukafata family tiff has spilled into the courts, with the grandchildren accusing their grandfather, John Nyamukafata of possessing ƨǝx-thirsty goblins that are terrorising them.

When the family appeared before acting Chief Saunyama’s court recently, Nyamukafata pleaded for help to locate a traditional healer identified as Saize Mutamba, whom he said he sold him goblins in the disguise of luck charms.

He stated that he is at loggerheads with his family because of a mistake he made during his youthful days and now wants to correct it.

“I did not know that I had acquired goblins from Mutamba. I only wanted luck charms as I was looking for a job in Harare. He gave me a small bottle with some ointment with the instructions that I would apply each time I was attending a job interview.

“After securing employment, I started using the luck ointment for other purposes and eventually discarded it. I, however, did not know that I was supposed to return the bottle to Mutamba.

“My children and grandchildren are now complaining that I possess goblins that are tormenting them. When I acquired the small bottle, little did I know that it will eventually turn into goblins,” he said.

He said he discarded the bottle, together with a sword and some ancestral cloths after he became a born-again Christian years later.

Nyamukafata said as a result, the goblins have been ƨǝxuɑlly terrorising his grandson, Biggie and granddaughters, Nyasha and Princess.

The elderly man also claims that he has been trying to locate Mutamba for some time, but is failing as he is said to have migrated to neighbouring Mozambique.

“I have been looking for Mutamba everywhere, but have failed to locate him. I appeal to anyone who might know his whereabouts to help me because my family is suffering.

“I was still young when I obtained the luck charms. It was towards independence in 1980. Please help me because my children and grandchildren all despise me,” pleaded the senior citizen.

Nyamufakata’s sons, Praise and Nhamo, together with grandchildren, Biggie, Nyasha and Princess all pointed accusing fingers on him.

Praise said the goblins have also been pestering their wives for ƨǝx as well as milking their cows.

He stated that their cows do not lactate as the goblins suck their milk, leaving the calves starving.

“The goblins are abusing our wives, daughters as well as sons. They are even sucking our cows’ milk. We have lost all respect for him as our father because all along, he was refusing to shoulder the blame for the family’s suffering.

“We would consult traditional healers and he would block everything so that he would not be exposed. However, when he was finally exposed, he apologised and told us that he was failing to locate the traditional healer who gave him the goblins,” he said.

One goblin, which called itself Paradzai manifested on Nyasha during the court session and demanded to be moved to a younger grandchild as Nyasha is now in her twenties.

The spirit claimed that it was placed on the girl by John Nyamukafata.

“I am tired of possessing Nyasha, I want a new wife. Give me another woman (name withheld), she is still fresh and young. When you transfer me to the new wife, you have to give Nyasha four beasts because she was my wife for a long time. The four beasts signify her four marriages that I ruined as she was my wife,” claimed Paradzai.

— Manica Post

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