GNU, Election Rerun: President Mnangagwa’s bold announcement stuns nation (WATCH VIDEO)


Zimbabwe’s President, Emmerson Mnangagwa, has firmly rejected any hopes or speculations of a Government National Unity (GNU), a Transitional Authority, or an election rerun following the controversial polls held in the country. During a ZANU PF Politburo meeting in Harare, President Mnangagwa dismissed these ideas as unrealistic and labeled those advocating for them as “delusional.”

Addressing the issue, President Mnangagwa urged the nation to focus on the future and not be distracted by what he referred to as “daydreamers,” specifically mentioning opposition leader Nelson Chamisa, who has contested the election results, alleging fraud.

“Now that the elections are behind us, we should not be distracted by the leader of the main opposition who remains stuck in the past while both Zimbabwe and the region are moving into the future. His call for an election rerun is a pipe dream; the earlier he realizes that, the better for himself and his opposition party,” President Mnangagwa asserted with determination.

The President’s statement reflects his resolve to move forward and maintain the current state of affairs despite the disputed election. Regarding the possibility of a GNU, he made it clear that such notions were unrealistic and would not materialize.

“The leaders of the opposition, their supporters, and their handlers must face the reality for the next five years. Entertaining any talk of a rerun, a government of national unity (GNU), or a so-called transitional authority is a pipe dream that will never happen. They must wake up from their delusions,” President Mnangagwa emphasized.

By firmly rejecting the calls for a GNU or election rerun, President Mnangagwa aims to establish stability and continuity in Zimbabwe, urging all parties to look ahead and focus on the future.

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