WATCH VIDEO: Invisible creature bashes boy (6) to death with a ‘brick’


RESIDENTS in Bulawayo’s Cowdray Park suburb are living in fear after a six-year-old boy died under mysterious circumstances following chilling revelations that he was allegedly attacked by an invisible creature which residents suspected to be a goblin.

The incident happened on Friday last week.

On the day in question the late Emmanuel Mahole was playing in their yard with his younger sister and friend.

According to the boy’s visibly shaken mother Precious Dzikamunhenga the incident occurred when she was in the kitchen preparing supper.

“I was preparing supper in the kitchen when I just heard my boy screaming saying he was being attacked with a brick. When I bolted out of the kitchen to check on what was happening I found him crying pointing to the sky saying: ‘there is the boy who is hitting me with a brick,” she said.

She said she tried to look where her son was pointing at but she could not see anything and her landlady only identified as MaNgwenya also came to check on what was happening but she also didn’t see anything.

The boy reportedly kept on ducking as if he was avoiding the invisible creature from attacking him.

He then started crying saying it was now choking him.

“While we were trying to look around for what was attacking him he kept evading the invisible creature which he said was attacking him and at that time he started frothing from his mouth,” narrated the boy’s distraught mother.

While they were trying to make sense of the whole mysterious drama her son reportedly stopped talking and he was now breathing with difficulty.

His mother then called an ambulance.

“I phoned an ambulance and I also tried to render first aid on him, before the ambulance crew arrived. The crew said he was already dead. He died in my hands,” she said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

The late Emmanuel’s father Oscar Mahole said he was in Shurugwi when he received the sad news of his son’s sudden death.

“I received a phone call when I was in Shurugwi where I work. I was shocked when my wife informed me that our child had been killed by an invisible creature. We buried him yesterday (Wednesday) and I’m still trying to come to terms with the mysterious circumstances under which my son died,” he said.

Emmanuel was doing ECD B at Lotshe Primary School. His mother described him as an intelligent boy.

“He was a bright boy and he was the second child from the three children we were blessed with. We were hoping that he would grow up and pursue his education and be a better person in life but death has robbed us of our loved one. I’m really heartbroken,” said the boy’s teary mother.

Residents also expressed shock over the boy’s mysterious death.

Happy Maseko, a mother of three said: “This is a scary incident and we are now living in fear because the invisible creature which attacked the boy might also attack our children.”

Maseko said as a ‘precautionary’ measure she makes sure that her children are in the room before sunset.

Another resident Thabani Sibanda (46) said as residents the incident reminded them of a goblin named Maqobola which once wreaked havoc raining stones on residents’ houses destroying windows panes.

“He could be a victim of that goblin named Maqobola,” he said.

Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube confirmed the incident.

Watch video below:

— BMetro

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