I stupidly took money from a grave and used it to buy beer, now I’m being haunted in my sleep!


Dear Aunty Lisa,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you because I am in a difficult situation and I am not sure what to do. Recently, I took money from a grave and used it to buy beer. I know that what I did was wrong and disrespectful, but I was in a bad place and not thinking clearly at the time. Now I am plagued with bad dreams every night and I can’t seem to shake the guilt and shame I feel. I see short people demanding the money from me in dreams.

I am reaching out to you because I trust your wisdom and I am hoping that you can offer me some guidance on how to move forward. I want to make things right and find a way to make amends for my actions. What steps can I take to make things right and find some peace?

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.




Aunty Lisa responds:

Dear Murambiwa

Thank you for reaching out to me for advice. It takes courage to admit when we have made a mistake and to seek guidance on how to make things right. I understand that you are feeling a lot of guilt and shame about what you did, and it’s important that you take steps to address these feelings.

First and foremost, it’s important that you acknowledge the gravity of what you have done. Taking money from a grave is a serious offence and it shows a lack of respect for the deceased and their loved ones. It’s important that you take responsibility for your actions and make a sincere apology to those who have been affected by what you have done.

In addition to making amends, it’s important that you take steps to address the underlying issues that led you to make such a poor decision. It sounds like you were struggling with some personal challenges at the time and you turned to alcohol as a coping mechanism. I would encourage you to seek out support from a mental health professional or a support group to help you address these challenges in a healthy and productive way.

Finally, it’s important that you take steps to make things right. Depending on the circumstances, this may involve approaching a church pastor returning the money or making a donation to a relevant charity or organization. It’s important that you take action to demonstrate that you are committed to making things right and that you are taking responsibility for your actions.

I hope this advice is helpful to you and that you are able to find a way to move forward in a positive and productive way.

Best regards,

Aunty Lisa

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