How long should you wait before having ƨǝx with a new partner?

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Dear Aunty Lisa,

I recently started dɑting a new girlfriǝnd and we are both really attracted to each other. However, I am not quite sure about when would be the appropriate time to have ƨǝx with her.

Should I wait for a while or should we just go for it?




Aunty Lisa responds:

Dear Uncertain,

It is great that you are taking the time to consider this important decision before jumping right in. Ultimately, the timing of when to have ƨǝx with your new girlfriǝnd should be a decision that is made between the two of you.

It is important to ensure that you both feel comfortable and ready before having ƨǝx. This means that you should have an open and honest conversation with your girlfriǝnd about your fǝǝlings and intentions.

Remember that there is no set timeline for when to have ƨǝx in a relɑtionship. It is important to listen to your own instincts as well as your girlfriǝnd’s wishes.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to make sure that you both feel respected and cared for in your relɑtionship.

Best of luck,

Aunty Lisa

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