Why is my ex boyfriǝnd jealous when he dumped me?


Dear Aunty Lisa

My b0yfriǝnd of nearly two years broke up with me a couple of weeks ago.

At first I tried to win him back and asked for another chance, but he made it clear he didn’t want me back and didn’t even want to talk about it.

So, over the course of the week, I began to accept it was over and that I needed to move on because he was treating me like I meant nothing to him.

The weekend after we broke up, I had a one-night stand and I decided the right thing to do was to tell my ex rather than him hearing it from someone else.

He promised he wouldn’t kick off, but he plastered it all over social media and publicly humiliated me.

He is saying to people that I chǝatǝd on him and he was going to take me back the next day, but not once did he ever say that to me.

Am I in the wrong or is he just bitter than I have moved on and am not begging him for another chance anymore?


Aunty Lisa says:

You haven’t ‘chǝatǝd’ on him.

He dumped you.

His ego simply can’t handle the fact you’ve moved on quickly and had some fun with another guy.

He was hoping you’d still be under the duvet crying.

You’ve done nothing wrong, so tell him to get lost.

Anyone who knows you and who you truly care about will see his social media posts for what they really are – lies and an attempt to get revenge by embarrassing you.

And anyone who doesn’t see that doesn’t need to be in your life.

It’s in situations like these where you find out who your true friends are.

And how dare he say he was about to take you back?

Big whoop!

What you need to post is: “You may have been going to ask me to come back, but I was never going to do it” and then delete him.

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