Extremely starved Munhenga joins his ancestors after being beaten to death for trying to have SIM 2 lula lula with another man

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Harare – A homeless man has been murdered in Mabelreign, Harare, following an alleged attempt to force a fellow homeless man into a homosexual act, a Harare court heard this weekend.

Marvelous Phiri appeared in court charged with murder in connection with the death of Zvikomborero Munhenga.

The incident occurred on February 28 at approximately 11 pm at the Meyrick Park Squatter Camp in Mabelreign. The court heard that Phiri and Munhenga had a misunderstanding after Munhenga allegedly attempted to sodomise Phiri while he was sleeping.

According to court proceedings, Phiri awoke to find his trousers pulled down to his knees by Munhenga. Enraged by this, Phiri chased Munhenga out of his shanty dwelling.

Phiri then allegedly grabbed a horse pipe, approximately one metre in length, and used it to severely assault Munhenga repeatedly all over his body.

Other residents of the squatter camp discovered Munhenga suffering from serious injuries. He told them that Phiri had assaulted him and indicated that he was passing bloody stool.

Stanford Shirichena, a fellow resident, arranged for a taxi to transport Munhenga to Parirenyatwa Hospital.

Munhenga was admitted to the hospital for several days but ultimately succumbed to his injuries on Wednesday.

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