Desperate plea from haunted Mbare hostels as ghosts wreak havoc: 11 family members have died so far, all buried at Mbudzi Cemetery


HARARE – A chilling tale of fear and suspected witchcraft has emerged from the Matererini Hostels in Mbare, where a 37-year-old man claims he is being relentlessly hunted by unseen assailants. Joseph Jameson, who resides with his mother, says he lives in constant terror, pursued by a convoy of cars and motorcycles driven by figures only he can perceive.

According to Jameson, these unseen tormentors are intent on killing him and taking his photograph. “Whenever I step outside to do my work of transporting goods with my cart, I see these people,” he explained. “They arrive in a convoy of four cars, two white and two black, along with motorcycles, and they start chasing me, trying to run me over, beat me, and take my picture. I have to run towards other people for help, but when I talk to them, they say they can’t see these people, only I can.”

Desperate for help, Jameson reported the matter to the police, who accompanied him to the location where he claimed to see his pursuers. However, officers were unable to corroborate his claims, seeing nothing.

“I tried to get help from the police because of these people who are chasing me, but the police came and said they didn’t see anything,” Jameson said. “Some people are now saying I’m going crazy, others say I’m taking drugs like ‘mutoriro’ and marijuana. I’m not crazy, and I’ve never taken drugs in my life. I don’t know, maybe these are what they call ‘zvikwambo’ (goblins) or ‘zvidhoma’ (spirit creatures) that I’m seeing.”

The ordeal has taken a heavy toll on Jameson’s life. His wife has left him, and he has been forced to abandon his livelihood as a cart transporter, leaving him and his family struggling to survive. “I live with my mother and my cousin, who used to get food and other things from my cart business,” he said. “I have never done anything in my life that would make me think I used witchcraft.”

Jameson believes the source of his troubles may be linked to the death of his brother, Simba Bhuru Jameson, who passed away on 4 July last year and was buried at Mbudzi Cemetery. “After my brother died, since we were only three left out of the ten children we were born, that’s when I started seeing these people chasing me,” he said. “I don’t know if it has anything to do with the deceased or if there are other enemies involved, I don’t know.”

His sister, Clarah Kabutu (45), who lives in Epworth, says the family is convinced they are victims of witchcraft. “My brother runs away from people he says want to kill him, but we don’t see them, only he sees them,” she explained. “He says there are many of them with cars and motorcycles. He has never drunk alcohol, smoked marijuana, or lost his mind because he is someone we live with. We are being told we are bewitched wherever we go, maybe it’s what they call ‘ngozi’ (avenging spirit).”

Kabutu revealed that the family has suffered a series of tragic deaths over the years. “My brother Simba Bhuru Jameson was just said to have contracted TB, and he stayed in the hospital for a while before he died on 4 July last year. A few days later, Joseph started getting sick and his feet swelled up. Then he started saying there were people with cars and motorcycles chasing him, even though we couldn’t see them, and it’s still like that today,” she said.

She added that eight of their siblings have died since 1996. “We are dying, imagine, some say it’s ‘ngozi’, other prophets say it’s witchcraft. We were ten children, but from 1996 until now, eight of my mother’s children have died, we are only left with two, me and Jose, who is being chased by what he alone sees. On top of these 8 bodies that we buried at Mbudzi, there are three bodies of grandchildren who were also buried at Mbudzi from 1996 until now. That means we have 11 graves at Mbudzi, our father died and we were left with our mother only,” Kabutu lamented.

The situation has become so dire that Jameson is now afraid to leave his home, even to use the toilet. “Joseph Jameson is now living locked up in the house, sleeping out of fear of these people he says are chasing him, and he is afraid to go to the toilet, saying he sees them waiting for him there, telling him not to relieve himself,” Kabutu said.

The family’s matriarch, Mbuya Alice Jameson (80), is heartbroken and desperate for a solution. “I have no idea what to do, I buried eight of my children and three grandchildren, who will take care of me now?” she asked. “The boy I’m left with who was taking care of me says he is always being chased by people he alone sees, he can no longer work, so we are starving. I need help so that this problem can end.”

Ngonidzashe Jameson (28), a cousin, confirmed that he has witnessed Joseph fleeing from unseen pursuers. “When I go out, we don’t see those people, those cars, and those motorcycles,” he said. “I even accompany him when he wants to do his work, where he tells me that those people are following.”

The Jameson family is appealing for assistance in finding a solution to their plight, whether it be medical, spiritual, or otherwise. They are desperate to break the cycle of death and fear that has gripped their lives.

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