Leaked whatsApp messages expose Zanu-PF’s desperate attempts to salvage Mnangagwa’s 2030 plan as former CIO agents drops truth bomb


Harare – Zimbabwe’s ruling Zanu-PF party is grappling with escalating internal turmoil as President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s loyalists push for an extension of his term of office, a move that flies in the face of the national constitution.

This has sparked open defiance and growing disaffection within the party, particularly amongst its traditional support base at the grassroots level.

The most critical and powerful constituency of the party, the war veterans, have openly demanded Mnangagwa’s immediate resignation. Led by respected veteran Blessed Geza, the ex-combatants have levelled serious accusations against Mnangagwa, including gross corruption, nepotism, and a betrayal of the values of the liberation struggle.

Geza’s declaration, known as “Bombshell”, appears to have resonated with a significant number of party members who are increasingly disillusioned with Mnangagwa’s leadership. Many party members are now aligning with the war veterans in their opposition to the “2030 project,” the name given to the alleged term extension plan.

However, Mnangagwa’s loyalists, including ministers Ziyambi Ziyambi, Owen “Muda” Ncube, and Tatenda Mavetera, have resisted the war veterans’ demands and continue to rally support for the 2030 agenda.

Over the weekend, Zanu-PF initiated a cell verification programme in Harare province, ostensibly aimed at gauging party loyalty. However, the programme was poorly attended, forcing its abandonment in some districts where as few as 20 members were present. This lacklustre response has been attributed to the deepening divisions within the party over the 2030 plan.

“We did not attend the meeting because we do not want to be forced to support the 2030 project,” said a party member from Ward 6 in Churu constituency. “Most people think what Blessed Geza is saying makes sense.”

In an attempt to revive the flagging 2030 project, Zanu-PF Chief Whip Togarepi issued instructions to all Members of Parliament (MPs) via party WhatsApp groups.

“Here is a challenge honourable members,” Togarepi said in the message. “Let’s do programmes totumira pano tichiona varikushanda (and send them here so that everyone can see). Maresolutions anoda kunoudzwa vanhu kumusha totumira mavideo (we should tell people of the resolutions and send videos of our work here.)”

Following Togarepi’s instruction, the party rolled out several meetings in various parts of the country over the weekend in a desperate attempt to revive the 2030 project, which now seems dead in the water owing to an avalanche of vicious opposition.

“The decision to force MPs to do something about 2030 was mulled by the youths and taken over by Togarepi, who then gave the instruction through party WhatsApp groups,” said a party MP, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“It appears that attempts to extend Mnangagwa’s term of office have ripped the party apart,” another Zanu-PF MP stated.

A warrant of arrest has reportedly been issued for Blessed Geza, but a week later, there has been no announcement from the police regarding his arrest or any information about his whereabouts. Efforts to obtain official comment from the police regarding the warrant of arrest have been unsuccessful.

Former Zanu-PF political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere, a former CIO operative who also saved at Minister of Local Government in President Mugabe’s government, in an interview with HSTV last week, said Mnangagwa’s attempt to extend his term was tantamount to kicking himself out of power. He asserted that once war veterans call for his departure, his fate is sealed.

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