Harare – Zanu-PF spokesman Christopher Mutsvangwa has launched a scathing attack on former Finance Minister Tendai Biti, accusing him of colluding with American diplomats in South Africa to “whip up emotions about title deeds and land in Zimbabwe” in a bid to attract the attention of former U.S. President Donald Trump.
Speaking at a press conference today, Mutsvangwa alleged that Biti’s actions were part of a broader scheme to undermine Zimbabwe’s land reform programme and its political leadership.
The accusations come amidst a heated debate surrounding the government’s plan to issue title deeds to farm owners, a move that Biti has vehemently criticised as a reversal of the land reform programme.
Biti, a prominent lawyer and former Citizens Coalition for Change vice-president, has dismissed the government’s plan as legally flawed, arguing that all title deeds on agricultural land were cancelled when the government gazetted and acquired the land.
“All title deeds on agricultural land were cancelled. So (President Emmerson) Mnangagwa cannot give away as he was purported to do on December 3 title deeds on former white man’s land, on agricultural land, because those title deeds do not exist at all. This man always makes legal blunders, consistently,” he said during an online programme at the weekend.
“So, Mr Mnangagwa is reversing the land reform programme. What will happen is that in 10 years’ time, cartels will be owning this land. In 50 years’ time, we are back to square zero.
“We now have another land fight, this time against the cartels, black cartels. The same cartels you see in fuel, in service stations, will now be owning the land.”
Agriculture, Lands, Water, Fisheries and Rural Development ministry permanent secretary Obert Jiri has defended the title deed programme, stating that it is a significant step towards securing land ownership for farmers and promoting economic growth, food security, and social stability.
In a statement published in the State media, Jiri said the new title would give landowners the option to secure financing for their agricultural activities.
“The title will potentially allow capital markets to improve their participation in agricultural value chains. Third, the title will allow for official farm subdivisions to cater for family inheritance.
“Fourth, the title will create a new land market, creating opportunities for land transfers to qualifying Zimbabweans.
“Fifth, the title provides an exit strategy for farmers who opt out of farming and will recover their investment. These options are not fully addressed by the current lease and permit regime,” he said.
Jiri said with title deeds, farmers would have improved security of tenure, allowing them to make long-term investments in their land without fear of losing it.
He said a citizen of Zimbabwe who holds an offer letter, permit or lease for agricultural purposes was eligible for title deeds.
“A very thorough screening process has been operationalised to weed out non-genuine permits and leases,” Jiri said.
He said the government had made arrangements with financial institutions to offer mortgage for the purchase of agricultural land.
“Once agreed, land owners will receive title deeds, which will be issued against full payment or mortgage with the selected banks. The banks shall be making separate announcements,” Jiri said.
However, citing section 295 subsection 5 of the Constitution, which states that land cannot be alienated without an Act of Parliament, Biti said the title deeds were illegal.
“In other words, Parliament needs to be consulted, Parliament must agree and Parliament must come up with this. Secondly, I notice he has appointed someone to run this programme, a private individual,” he said.
“He also says that this land should only be transferred to indigenous black Zimbabweans. But the Constitution in section 298 says every Zimbabwean regardless of race has the right to own land.
“That is not allowed by the Constitution. The Constitution has created a land commission and the Constitution says anything to do with agricultural land, the land commission must be there. So it’s a potpourri of legal errors.”
Mutsvangwa also addressed the issue of compensation for white farmers, reiterating President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s commitment to honoring the government’s promise to pay for improvements made on the land during their tenure.
“President Mnangagwa has made it clear that we will not renege on this promise. This is a key part of our reconciliation efforts and our drive to stabilize the economy,” he said.
In a surprising turn, Mutsvangwa further accused a faction within Zanu-PF of using war veteran Blessed Geza to create discord in the party. Without naming names, he implied that Vice President Constantino Chiwenga was behind the alleged plot to stir internal divisions.
“We are aware of efforts to destabilize the party using individuals who claim to represent the interests of war veterans, but we will not allow these schemes to succeed,” Mutsvangwa said.
Mutsvangwa also addressed allegations that his son had been incarcerated on the President’s orders, dismissing them as false and attributing them to political machinations within Zanu-PF.
Said Mutsvangwa, “What I can say is that some of intelligence which is being given is definitely wrong. He mentioned the other day that my son was in he was incarcerated by the President. It’s not true. I told you. I had an interview with you today. I know who was behind the incarceration of my son in a false incarceration in May last year.
“It’s not true. Rather, the people who are telling him to go on televisions are the ones who are behind the persecution of my son. So I must say I’m surprised – For a field combat officer, he normally has got very good intelligence, because he wouldn’t have survived the war as a guerilla fighter if his intelligence was fraught. I don’t know why he’s being misled by being given chicken feed. It’s in intelligence.;
“What he is being given is called chicken feed that my son was incarcerated by the President and that I should not have a relationship with the president because he incarcerated my son. It’s not true. I want to put it on record. You.“