Smugglers’ secret route exposed as Beitbridge bus carrying lots of mbanje uses ‘bhinya road’ along Masvingo road to evade police


CHIVHU – A major drug bust in Chivhu has resulted in the seizure of 34 kilograms of cannabis and the arrest of two individuals following a tip-off from vigilant members of the public. The incident highlights the growing effectiveness of community involvement in combating the illicit drug trade in Zimbabwe.

On 21 January 2024, Chivhu police received information regarding a bus travelling from Beitbridge to Harare that had deviated from its expected route, raising suspicion amongst local residents. Acting swiftly on this intelligence, detectives from the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) in Chivhu launched an investigation.

The team tracked the bus to Gelucker Shops in Featherstone, where it had made a clandestine stop. The bus, carrying two occupants, Simbarashe Chikasha (36) and Prince Nyakudya Tirivamambo (36), was immediately escorted to ZRP Featherstone police station for a thorough search.

“The police followed the bus and found it parked at Gelucker Shops in Furtherstone. The driver and conductor were instructed to proceed to ZRP Furtherstone police station, which they did under police escort. A thorough search of the bus uncovered a large quantity of illegally imported goods,” explained Detective Inspector Rachel Muteweri, spokesperson for the CID.

The search revealed a significant quantity of cannabis (mbanje) cleverly concealed amongst other luggage. The meticulous concealment suggested a deliberate attempt to evade detection.

“During the search, nine parcels of cannabis wrapped in paper were found in a monarch bag. A further 26 parcels were discovered hidden inside the wheels of two of the bus’s tyres. The total weight of the cannabis seized was 34kg. The arrested individuals appeared in court for the first time and their cases were remanded,” Detective Inspector Muteweri added.

The discovery of the cannabis, along with other unspecified illegally imported goods, underscores the scale of the operation and the determination of those involved to circumvent Zimbabwean law. The sophisticated concealment methods employed highlight the level of organisation within the smuggling network.

Detective Inspector Muteweri praised the crucial role played by members of the public in bringing the smugglers to justice.

“We extend our sincere gratitude to members of the public for providing information that led to the arrest of these drug traffickers. We urge them to continue assisting us as the drug trade poses a significant threat to our nation and its citizens,” she stated.

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