A horrific incident has rocked Daakoni Village, Buhera, leaving a community in shock and police searching for answers. Tawanda Magoso, 32, has been arrested for the brutal murder of his 11-year-old son. The incident, which occurred on 10 January at the family home, involved the use of an axe.
According to a police statement released on X (formerly Twitter), Magoso returned home from a local shrine where he had been for prayers. Upon his return, he retrieved an axe from his bedroom. The police statement details the gruesome attack: “The suspect allegedly returned home from a shrine where he had gone for prayers and took an axe from his bedroom which he used to strike the victim indiscriminately all over the body,” it reads.
The violence was extreme, resulting in the tragic death of the young boy.
“The victim’s head separated from its torso and sustained multiple injuries on the back. Resultantly, the victim succumbed to the injuries.”
The motive behind this brutal act remains unclear. Police investigations are underway to determine what prompted Magoso to commit such a violent crime. The incident has understandably caused deep distress within the community, raising questions about mental health support and access to resources in rural areas.
The arrest of Magoso followed assistance from community members who helped apprehend him after the horrific event. While he is now in custody, the investigation into the circumstances surrounding the murder continues. The police are working to piece together the events leading up to the attack and understand the possible influence of the shrine visit on Magoso’s actions.
The case highlights the urgent need for thorough investigations into such crimes and the provision of support services to affected communities. The loss of the young boy is a devastating tragedy, leaving a lasting scar on Daakoni Village and prompting wider questions about violence and mental health in Zimbabwe.