6 supernatural men enjoy lula lula and leak Budiriro woman’s stonyie, huge snake coils around her waist: It started after visiting this church when 4 children died


Harare – Gogo Pamhidzai Tapfumaneyi, a 53-year-old widow from Budiriro in Harare, but originally from Chief Musana’s area in Bindura (Village Head Kapapiro’s kraal), is pleading for help after claiming to be the victim of a series of disturbing and inexplicable events. These events, she says, began in 2019, a year that already held immense personal tragedy.

That year marked a turning point in her life, a year of profound loss. Four of her children had passed away in mysterious circumstances, leaving her devastated and seeking solace.

“I experienced the tragedy of losing four children, and I went to this other apostolic church because I heard they offered significant support. It was after visiting this church that they made me join satanism,” she explains, while recounting her decision to join the apostolic church in the hope of finding comfort and healing. It was a decision that, she now believes, inadvertently plunged her into a nightmare.

Her husband, a truck driver, had predeceased her children, passing away in 2015. The shared grief and the church community were initially sources of comfort, but this soon turned into something far more sinister.

“In addition to losing four children, my husband, a truck driver, also passed away in 2015,” she adds as she paints a picture of a life already burdened by loss before the current ordeal began.

The unsettling incidents started subtly, with a voice whispering in her ear. Initially, she dismissed it as a figment of her imagination, a product of grief and exhaustion. But the voice persisted, becoming increasingly intrusive and disturbing. It was the voice of a fellow church member, she alleges, a voice that spoke of things she couldn’t comprehend. The year 2019 marked the beginning of this auditory torment, a constant, unwelcome presence in her life.

The whispers escalated, evolving into explicit and threatening pronouncements.

“The voice says things like, ‘I want to have sex with you,’ and if she refuses, it adds, ‘then have sex with your son’,” she recounts. The sexually explicit nature of the voice’s pronouncements adds a layer of horror to her already distressing situation.

Beyond the auditory harassment, Tapfumaneyi describes terrifying physical manifestations. She claims to be the victim of unseen sexual assaults, experiencing the violation in her dreams and, she alleges, even while in public places.

“It happens whenever I’m alone, even in a commuter omnibus or while walking. In the kombis, I almost scream, but people don’t understand what’s happening. Most people don’t understand me,” she explains.

The attacks extend beyond the unseen. She describes terrifying encounters with a large snake, vividly recounting the experience.

The snake attacks me and coils around my waist. I see it in my dreams, and sometimes my house smells strongly of human faeces, though I see nothing. I feel my genitals being leaked by something invisible, just as I hear the voice,” she describes.

The snake attacks, the foul odours, and the phantom leaking combine to create a nightmarish reality for the already grieving woman.

Further adding to her suffering, she claims to feel her entire body being cut by unseen entities, a sensation that extends to her tongue and nose. The relentless attacks leave her exhausted and emotionally drained. She feels violated and helpless, desperately seeking an explanation and a solution to her ordeal.

When questioned about the possibility of mental illness, Tapfumaneyi vehemently denies any such condition.

“My own sister suggests I go to the hospital for a medical check-up, but I refuse because I don’t want to be treated for an illness I don’t have,” she states and asserts her conviction that her experiences are real and not a product of mental instability. This resolute denial underscores her belief in the supernatural nature of her affliction.

Tapfumaneyi’s claims are extraordinary, and the lack of immediate corroboration leaves many questions unanswered. The news crew attempted to contact the church member she accuses, but their calls went unanswered. However, neighbours interviewed offered a different perspective.

Other residents interviewed about Gogo Tapfumaneyi’s situation report that she appears mentally stable and interacts normally with others, adding another layer of complexity to this already baffling case.

For now, Pamhidzai Tapfumaneyi remains alone in her struggle, desperately seeking help and understanding. Those wishing to offer assistance can contact her on 0772 451 652.

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