Chaos as woman accused of being a witchcraft leader eats soil and cow dung in court, naked man falls from nowhere


CHIWESHE – A dramatic scene unfolded at Chief Makope’s traditional court on Saturday, leaving the village of Nyamunetsa deeply divided.

At the heart of the controversy is Mai Makuva (73), accused of leading a witchcraft syndicate following an incident involving her relative, Elisha Mwase (30), who was found naked and disoriented in the early hours of Tuesday, H-Metro has reported.

The court proceedings, which commenced at 11am and concluded around 7pm, were marked by intense spiritual activity and conflicting testimonies. Mwase, who appeared calm and coherent in contrast to his state on Tuesday.

“I don’t know what happened that day. Even now, I just hear people telling me what happened, but I have no memory of it. They say I fell from nowhere in Nyamunetsa Village and I was naked but I did not even understand what they were saying and what this all meant on that day,” he said.

His mother corroborated the strangeness of the situation, describing her son’s altered appearance: “I was surprised to see what he looked like. I could see he is my son but his face was something I have not seen before.”

She also suggested that her son was being manipulated by unnamed individuals.

The accusations against Mai Makuva intensified when she, during her testimony, denied being a witch, claiming instead to be a traditional healer with supernatural powers originating from Mozambique.

“I have a spirit from Mozambique that helps me with traditional healing, not witchcraft. I am not a witch, if it means being exposed, let those who can expose me come and prove that I am a witch,” she told the court.

However, the situation took a dramatic turn when Mai Makuva fell into a trance, engaging in unusual behaviour. She began eating soil and cow dung, crawling on the ground and uttering incoherent statements.

While in this trance, she named several villagers whom she claimed were also involved in witchcraft, though none were present at the court. Mwase also experienced a similar trance-like state, struggling to speak and crawling on the ground.

Four prophets, led by Bishop Kuchekwa of the Sungano Apostolic Church, were called upon to provide insight into the events. They unanimously implicated Mai Makuva as the head of a witchcraft syndicate operating within the village. Their testimony added fuel to the already tense atmosphere, with the prophets claiming the observed behaviour was characteristic of individuals possessed by evil spirits during acts of witchcraft.

The court, presided over by Chief Makope and assisted by assessors Mr Fanuel Muzuka and Mr Tafadzwa Nyagonye, with Annah Chifamba serving as court secretary, heard testimony from Mwase, his family, and other villagers. The proceedings included two rounds of prayers led by villagers and spiritual cleansing sessions conducted by the prophets, separated by a three-hour break.

Chief Makope, visibly frustrated by the case, expressed his strong stance against witchcraft.

If someone is seen walking at night, naked, and his face frightens you, when you look at him or her, isn’t that witchcraft? I do not want witchcraft under my jurisdiction. It destroys the lives of innocent people. We need responsible citizens who are peaceful and not people who want to harm others,” he stated firmly.

The Mwase family was fined one cow for the perceived abomination of Elisha’s nakedness. The prophets remain in the village to provide spiritual support and healing in the wake of the week’s events. It is evident that the accusations of witchcraft have deeply divided the community, leaving a lasting impact on Nyamunetsa Village.

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