Chamisa’s fatal mistake that cost him power: Mnangagwa’s ally exposes Chamisa’s missed opportunities and biggest blunder


HARARE – Veteran Zimbabwean politician and former government critic, Eddie Cross, has launched a scathing attack on Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa, accusing him of missed opportunities and ultimately contributing to the party’s struggles and the deterioration of urban governance.

In a recent online podcast, Cross didn’t pull any punches, targeting Chamisa’s leadership style and strategic decisions.

Cross’s critique spans several aspects of Chamisa’s political career. He begins by highlighting Chamisa’s rejection of an offer from President Emmerson Mnangagwa in 2018 to assume the position of Leader of the Opposition in Parliament.

“I said to him he (Mnangagwa) has offered you the leader of the opposition post, he has offered you the status, he has offered you a place on the front bench in the House of Assembly…he has offered you an office, drivers, security, a salary, take it and sit there for 10 years, (perhaps) five years… because you are very, very effective, television-wise and so on and establish yourself. Learn,” Cross stated.

Beyond this specific instance, Cross levelled broader criticisms at Chamisa’s leadership, drawing comparisons to his predecessor, Morgan Tsvangirai.

“Heart and spirit of the MDC went with him (Tsvangirai). I did not support Chamisa. I thought he was a Chimusoro, a clever kid, but without the maturity to do the job and I think I was right,” Cross asserted in the podcast.

He further accused Chamisa of neglecting his party’s candidates and councillors during the last election, prioritising his own presidential ambitions.

“I think my biggest problem with Chamisa is he is totally preoccupied with himself. He didn’t support his candidates. He did support his people who ran for him in the field. He did not support his councillors in the field. He loved the big position. He loved being the top man, but he was not the man of the people,” Cross explained.

Cross also extended his criticism to the state of Zimbabwe’s urban areas, largely controlled by the CCC. He contrasted the performance of the CCC with that of the Democratic Alliance (DA) in South Africa, arguing that the CCC has failed to deliver on its promises.

“Look at the mess our cities are in. Has Chamisa made any difference to the administration of our cities, to the quality of life of our people? At least the DA in South Africa has made the Western Cape a success, but here every city run by CCC is just as rotten as it would have been under Zanu PF,” Cross declared.

He believes Chamisa missed a crucial opportunity to leverage the urban councils as a platform for demonstrating effective governance.

“If Chamisa had any sense, whatsoever, he could have turned his power base into a real weapon of change.”

The situation is further complicated by the internal strife within the CCC. Chamisa’s eventual resignation from the party he founded in 2022, following a series of internal conflicts and the recall of elected officials, is another point of contention for Cross. He expressed disbelief at Chamisa’s decision to abandon the party.

“How does a president leave the party? Please, are you nuts, are you crazy? There was nothing else behind CCC more than Nelson Chamisa,” Cross stated while highlighting the perceived centrality of Chamisa to the party’s identity and its subsequent struggles following his departure.

The party’s subsequent leadership under Welshman Ncube has also faced challenges, further underscoring Cross’s concerns about the overall effectiveness of the opposition.

Cross’s outspoken criticism offers a significant commentary on the state of Zimbabwean opposition politics. His assessment, while strongly critical of Chamisa and the CCC, highlights the challenges faced by the opposition in effectively challenging the ruling Zanu-PF party and providing a viable alternative for the Zimbabwean people.

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