Harare man ‘elopes’, brings multiple girlfriends home for lula lula, leaves USED condoms on the bed: ‘Handigone kugara ndisina mukadzi’


A Harare woman, Pamela Juka, has been granted a protection order against her boyfriend, Paradzai Nyatsange, after alleging a pattern of abuse and infidelity.

Ms Juka appeared before magistrate Judith Taruvinga, detailing a series of disturbing incidents involving Mr Nyatsange bringing multiple sex partners into their shared home and leaving used condoms on their bed.

Ms Juka testified that the relationship began earlier this year, and Mr Nyatsange moved in with her within weeks. She recounted her shock at discovering used condoms on their bed on several occasions.

“He moved in with me a few weeks after we started dating early this year,” she explained.

“I was surprised to find used condoms on our bed and when I asked him he denied bringing other girlfriends into my house. This has happened on a number of occasions and each time I confront him he assaults me,” she stated.

The situation escalated beyond the presence of condoms. Ms Juka claimed that some of Mr Nyatsange’s partners verbally abused her, calling her names.

“Sometimes the women he brings to my house insult me by calling me a prostitute,” she said.

Furthermore, she reported the disappearance of some of her undergarments, alleging threats from these women to use them for witchcraft.

“Some of my undergarments have gone missing over the past few months and the same women threaten to use them for juju,” she added.

Mr Nyatsange, however, presented a different version of events. He accused Ms Juka of infidelity, claiming he discovered messages on her phone that indicated she was seeing other men.

“I caught messages in her phone and that is what triggered our misunderstanding,” he said.

He admitted to bringing other women home and to assaulting Ms Juka, but justified his actions by citing her alleged infidelity and his lack of alternative accommodation.

“She is not faithful to me and that is why I assault her and bring girlfriends over to the house,” he explained.

“I can’t leave her because I have nowhere else to go and I can’t stay without a woman. If she evicts me I am going straight into the streets,” he said.

Magistrate Taruvinga, having heard both sides of the story, granted Ms Juka the protection order. The order specifically prohibits Mr Nyatsange from bringing other women to the shared residence and from assaulting or harassing Ms Juka in any way.

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