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Tsano beaten to death by vakwasha…. 94-year-old gogo joins her ancestors as muzukuru gets 18 years in jail


Three Gweru brothers have each received a 30-year prison sentence for the murder of their “brother-in-law” following a fatal beer-fuelled altercation last year. Zamani Ndlovu (45), Mehluli Ndlovu (36), and Mpilwenzima Ndlovu (33) appeared before the High Court in Gweru, facing charges relating to the death of a 31-year-old man.

The incident unfolded on June 4th, 2023, at a local shop where the brothers and the victim were drinking beer. A seemingly innocuous comment ignited the violence. The victim referred to the brothers as his “brothers-in-law” due to one brother’s relationship with his sister. This remark sparked a furious reaction from the Ndlovu brothers.

Their response was swift and brutal. They punched the victim repeatedly, before escalating the attack by striking him with a brick and stabbing him in the thigh with a knife. The injuries proved fatal. The brothers were subsequently arrested with the assistance of members of the public.

The court heard evidence detailing the brutal nature of the attack and the subsequent death of the victim. The judge, in handing down the sentence, highlighted the severity of the crime and the need for a strong deterrent.

In a separate case, also heard in the Gweru High Court, a Shurugwi man was sentenced to 18 years imprisonment for the murder of his 94-year-old grandmother. Takudzwa Mugariri (27), of Marozva Village under Chief Banga, was found guilty of the crime.

The court heard that on February 3rd, 2024, Mugariri visited his grandmother’s homestead, where he unleashed a violent attack. He accused her of cursing him and his siblings, claiming she was responsible for their misfortunes and poverty. His accusations were followed by a brutal assault.

Mugariri’s rage manifested in a series of violent acts. He burned his grandmother’s clothes and traditional medicines before repeatedly beating her with a stick, targeting her head, face, buttocks, and back. The injuries sustained during this attack ultimately led to her death. The court considered the age and vulnerability of the victim when determining the sentence.

Another case of murder, heard in the same court, involved a 23-year-old man, Crucial Sibanda, who received an 18-year prison sentence. The incident occurred on November 28th, 2020, at a house in Mbizo, Kwekwe. Sibanda and the victim, a 43-year-old man, were at the house, but in separate areas.

The victim, who was drinking beer, was preparing to leave when he noticed Sibanda’s vehicle was blocking the driveway. He requested that Sibanda move his car, but Sibanda refused, leading to an altercation. The victim slapped Sibanda twice before walking away. The court did not disclose the details of the events leading to the victim’s death.

These three cases, all heard in the Gweru High Court, highlight the grim reality of violent crime in Zimbabwe. The sentences handed down reflect the seriousness of the offences and serve as a warning against violent acts. The details of each case underscore the tragic consequences of anger, disputes, and accusations, leading to senseless loss of life.

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