Nedbank US$272,000 and R2.4 million heist: Bulawayo robber jailed for 10 years…. see how much was discovered and where!


Bulawayo – Lovemore Gambiza, a 45-year-old Bulawayo resident, has been sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for his role in a daring heist at a Nedbank branch in the city. The sentence, handed down by Bulawayo magistrate Ms Sibonginkosi Mnkandla on Monday, concludes a three-month trial that captivated the city. Three years of the sentence have been suspended on condition that Gambiza does not commit a similar crime within the next five years.

Gambiza, along with Elias Mudenda (since acquitted), and several other suspects still at large, were accused of orchestrating the theft of a substantial sum of money and valuables from the Nedbank Belmont Branch on the night of 26 August 2023.

According to court documents presented by prosecutor Ms Concillia Ncube, the group scaled a wall, cut through razor wire, and forced entry into the bank’s back office.

“The crew scaled over the pre-cast wall and cut the razor wire. Thereafter, they cut and removed the burglar bar to the back office and gained entry into the bank,” Ms Ncube detailed in court.

“While inside, they opened the server room and used a gas cutting torch to open the Chubb vault that contained cash, then stole US$272 000 cash, R2 420 000, five gold coins weighing 1 ounce each with a total value of USD10 056 and a network video recorder worth US$109.”

The crime was discovered on the morning of 28 August when Nedbank employees arrived at work. A police investigation ensued, leading to the arrest of Gambiza and Mudenda. Significant evidence was recovered, including:

  • US$12 500 and R57 500 bearing Nedbank seals, buried underground approximately 20 kilometres along the Bulawayo-Plumtree Road.
  • US$1 000 and R16 880 found hidden under a tyre in a disused thatched house in Binga.
  • US$3 000 discovered at Mudenda’s residence in Cowdray Park.
  • The Toyota Hiace (ADU 3231) and Toyota Venture (ABP 8593) vehicles used in the robbery.
  • The gas cutting torch used to breach the bank vault.

Despite the recovery of some of the stolen funds – a total of US$16 500 and R74 630 – the overall loss amounted to US$282 165 and R2 420 000. The recovered cash was sealed with Nedbank seals, a fact highlighted by two Nedbank employee witnesses.

Gambiza, represented by Mr Tinashe Tashaya of Sengweni Legal Practice, pleaded not guilty and maintained his innocence throughout the trial. He claimed to have been at his gold mine at the time of the robbery and argued that the recovered money was from his mining operations, not the bank heist. He further asserted that his personal savings were also sealed with Nedbank seals, suggesting the recovered money was his own. Mudenda, represented by Mr Tawanda Tavengwa of Mutuso, Taruvinga and Mhiribidi Legal Practitioners, also claimed to have been out of town during the robbery.

However, the court found Gambiza’s defence unconvincing, leading to the 10-year prison sentence. The case serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of serious crime in Zimbabwe and the determination of law enforcement agencies to bring perpetrators to justice. The ongoing search for the remaining suspects highlights the continuing investigation into this significant criminal case.

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