Lula lula-starved Khami inmates thoroughly sodomise each other till one of them complains to prison guards


Two inmates at Khami Maximum Prison, Bulawayo, find themselves in deeper legal trouble after allegedly engaging in consensual anal sex, an act forbidden under Zimbabwean law.

The incident reportedly occurred on June 8th of this year and has brought to light the ongoing issue of sexual activity within the country’s overcrowded prisons.

Godwin Dlomo and Gilbert Shonai appeared before Westcommonage Magistrate Vakayi Douglas Chikwekwe yesterday, charged with contravening the law. They were remanded in custody until October 10th.

The illicit act was uncovered when Shonai who is currently serving time for rape, experienced anal pain and subsequently revealed to prison guards that he had engaged in consensual anal sex with Dlomo. Details of Dlomo’s current sentence were not disclosed in court.

Prosecutor Audrey Kufandikamwe outlined the state’s case, stating, “It is the state case that on the 8th June 2024 and at Khami Maximum Prison, the two accused persons had consensual anal sexual intercourse.”

She further elaborated, “The matter came to light when the second accused experienced anal pain and subsequently disclosed that he had engaged in consensual anal sex with the first accused person.”

This incident at Khami Maximum Prison is not an isolated one. Sodomy is reportedly rampant in Zimbabwe’s overcrowded prisons and is believed to be a significant contributing factor to the rising prevalence of HIV within these institutions.

The cramped conditions and lack of privacy create an environment where such acts can occur, highlighting the urgent need for addressing the underlying issues within the prison system.

Just last month, a disturbing case emerged from Harare Central Remand Prison, where three inmates – Kingswell Ngwerume (32), Kudakwashe Mazorodze (35), and Lazurus Chinobhururuka (40) – were charged with aggravated indecent assault. They allegedly drugged and sexually assaulted a 20-year-old fellow inmate on August 11th.

According to the allegations, Mazorodze directed the young inmate to move to Cell C2, where Ngwerume and Chinobhururuka were housed along with other prisoners. Later that night, the complainant awoke to find Ngwerume touching him inappropriately. When the complainant resisted, he was allegedly assaulted by all three accused.

The situation escalated further when Chinobhururuka allegedly forced the complainant to drink from a bottle, causing him to feel dizzy. The three accused then allegedly took turns sexually assaulting the disoriented young man via SIM 2.

The trio appeared before Harare magistrate Marehwanazvo Gofa on August 22nd and are expected back in court on September 4th for the commencement of their trial.

These incidents paint a grim picture of the realities within Zimbabwe’s prisons. The case of Dlomo and Shonai at Khami, alongside the alleged assault in Harare, underscores the vulnerability of inmates and the urgent need for improved safety and security measures within these facilities.

Overcrowding, inadequate supervision, and a lack of resources contribute to an environment where such acts can occur, putting inmates at risk and further complicating the challenges faced by the Zimbabwean prison system.

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