Man (46) impregnates daughter’s best friend (15)… as Marondera couple kill 6-month-old baby at midnight


Murehwa – A 46-year-old man from Murehwa is on the run from police after allegedly raping and impregnating a 15-year-old girl. The incident came to light after the victim’s uncle discovered her pregnancy and reported the matter to the police.

Mashonaland East police spokesperson Inspector Simon Chazovachiyi detailed the events leading to the alleged crime. He explained that in July of this year, the 15-year-old victim ran away from home following a family dispute and sought refuge at her best friend’s homestead.

While the friend was away in Harare, the victim was left in the care of her friend’s father. It was then, according to Inspector Chazovachiyi, that the alleged assault took place.

“One afternoon, the friend travelled to Harare and left the girl with her father. Reports are that the father then went unto the bedroom where his daughter’s friend was sleeping and he told her that he wanted her to be his wife. The 15-year-old girl is said to have rejected the request.”

The man subsequently allegedly raped the young girl, threatening her with death if she ever revealed the incident.

The alleged rape remained undisclosed until September 16th, when rumours of the victim’s pregnancy reached her uncle.

Following an interview with his niece, the uncle reported the matter to the ZRP Murehwa on Monday of that week. Inspector Chazovachiyi confirmed that the suspect remains at large and is currently being sought by police.

Meanwhile, in a separate incident, police in Marondera have arrested a couple, Colleen Munemo (30) and Shepard Mugava (29), in connection with the death of their six-month-old child. The tragic event unfolded recently at Landas Business Centre, near Mahusekwa.

According to police reports, the couple had a heated argument, during which Munemo accused Mugava of neglecting their child. On the night of September 19th, around 11 pm, Munemo allegedly took the infant to Mugava’s residence and left the baby at his doorstep before fleeing the scene.

Mugava, upon discovering the child, attempted to persuade Munemo to retrieve the baby. However, a further altercation ensued. Police allege that during this struggle, Munemo forcefully threw the infant towards Mugava, resulting in the child falling to the ground and sustaining injuries. The baby subsequently died from injuries sustained from nose and mouth bleeding.

The details surrounding the incident remain under investigation, and further information is expected to emerge as the police investigation progresses.

The arrest of the couple underscores the gravity of the situation and highlights the ongoing concern regarding child safety and domestic disputes within the community.

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