Multiple people feared dead in Bolt Cutter bus and haulage truck head-on accident near Karoi (SEE PICS)


A devastating bus accident near Karoi this morning has left an unknown number of people dead and several injured, highlighting the urgent need for improved road safety measures in Zimbabwe.

The collision, involving a Harare-bound Bolt Cutter bus and a haulage truck at Buffalo Downs, resulted in the bus overturning, scattering debris and personal belongings across the scene. Emergency services responded swiftly, but the scale of the tragedy is still unfolding as rescue efforts continue to extract those trapped amidst the wreckage.

Images from the scene show the bus lying on its side, heavily damaged, with the overturned truck blocking the roadway, causing further disruption.

Initial reports suggest a significant loss of life, with the exact number of fatalities yet to be confirmed. The accident has sparked widespread outrage and grief on social media, with many Zimbabweans expressing their concerns about the state of the nation’s roads and the reckless driving habits of some public transport operators.

Just a few weeks ago, another haulage truck was involved in a collision with Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) chairperson Justice Priscilla Chigumba’s Land Rover Discovery vehicle along the same road. Luckily everyone involved in the accident survived the crash.

Muzukuru waBob (@muzukuruwabob) on Twitter, shared a chilling premonition, stating: “I travelled with this same bus last week and the driver is so reckless with people’s lives.”

This comment underscores the widespread perception of dangerous driving practices within the public transport sector.

Justice Peace Chihobvu, in a tweet tagging the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development, the Zimbabwe National Road Administration, and Parliament of Zimbabwe, voiced a growing concern: “It is deeply concerning to hear about the recurring accidents on the Harare-Chirundu road. The frequency of these incidents suggests an urgent need for attention to the road’s condition. Improved road infrastructure is crucial for ensuring the safety of all motorists. I urge the relevant authorities to prioritize and address the safety concerns on this road promptly. Their swift action can help prevent further accidents and save lives.”

Other social media users echoed these sentiments, highlighting various contributing factors to the high number of road accidents.

Eunice Gwara tweeted: “Buses and trucks must travel during the day especially with our bad state of roads, CRY MY BELOVED COUNTRY,” expressing frustration with the condition of the roads and advocating for safer travel practices.

Pasi Zendera pointed to the poor state of the road itself and the lack of enforcement of speed limits: “The road is a death bed and needs maximum care and attention Are there any speed governor devices as the law stipulates 80km/ hour is a standing rule but most if these buses can do more than 130 km/hour It means they can speed at will, there are no police speed traps like before as u can see from most accidents its due to speeding.”

Cde Jeff Izidine Snr added a further layer of criticism, highlighting multiple contributing factors: “This is just too much..reckless driving, bad roads, unroadworthy vehicles, lack of proper traffic policing..chokwadi vanhu vaperera mumaroads umu..I wonder what are the monthly statistics of people who lose their lives on the road and it seems nothing is being done to improve the situation, passengers should also be given more power to have a say on how they are driven. Why doesn’t the gvt make it mandatory for public transport to have a clear sticker with a hotline with an independent body where passengers can report reckless driving.”

However, not all voices on social media placed blame on systemic failures. Cosmas Tobaiwa offered a more cautious perspective: “Guys before u talk too much just know accidents happen the fact that you all have cell phones and you spend most of your time on social media doesn’t mean you know evething. Accidents are there and there is nothing new here unless if u tell me of a country were they are no accidents, this is nobody’s fault no one wants to die or get injured, everyone of us would like to go back home safe and sound but there are certain technicalities we meet everyday in life and we have to learn to accept that such is life don’t blame other because tomorrow we will be asking you and definitely you will tell your side of story. No offences pliz.”

The Karoi bus crash serves as a grim reminder of the urgent need for comprehensive road safety improvements in Zimbabwe. Addressing the issues raised – poor road conditions, reckless driving, lack of enforcement, and inadequate vehicle maintenance – is not merely a matter of infrastructure; it is a matter of life and death.

The government, transport authorities, and public transport operators must work together to implement effective measures to prevent future tragedies and ensure the safety of all road users. The outpouring of grief and anger on social media reflects a collective demand for action, a demand that cannot be ignored.

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