Harare employee assaulted and robbed of company’s US$18,400 after offering transport to 2 men


Harare is grappling with a surge in crimes involving violence and armed robbery, with the latest incident seeing a company employee robbed of US$18,400 after offering transport to two men.

The brazen robbery occurred on Friday last week at around 4.35PM, leaving authorities on high alert and the public shaken.

The victim, who was driving a Green Toyota Corolla vehicle registration number ACD 3957, was transporting the cash from his company’s branch when he offered a lift to the two unidentified suspects. The suspects were armed with a pistol and a knife then attacked the victim along Lytton Road, Harare, towards the CBD, before stealing the cash.

Police confirmed they are investigating the robbery, stating that the suspects fled the scene in an unregistered Blue Honda Fit vehicle.

Two unidentified male suspects, who were armed with a pistol and a knife, attacked the victim who was driving a Green Toyota Corolla vehicle registration number ACD 3957 along Lytton Road, Harare towards the CBD, before stealing US$18,400.00 cash,” police said.

The victim was coming from a company branch where he had gone to collect the cash on behalf of the company when he offered transport to the two suspects.

The police are appealing to the public for any information that could help their investigations.

This incident comes at a time when Harare is experiencing a rise in violent crime, with reports of armed robberies and muggings becoming increasingly common.

The robbery highlights the need for increased security measures, particularly for individuals handling large sums of money. Companies are urged to review their security protocols and ensure that employees are adequately trained on how to handle cash safely.

The police have also urged members of the public to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the authorities. It is crucial for the community to work together to combat crime and ensure the safety of all citizens.

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