Marondera Halsteds employee murdered on his way home, body found lying along the road with multiple wounds


A pall of gloom has descended upon Marondera following the brutal murder of 52-year-old Luke Limbe, a Stock Control Assistant at Halsteds, the town’s leading hardware store.

Limbe was found dead on the night of 17 September, lying on the road between Artherstone and Ruzawi, his body bearing the grim marks of a violent assault.

Inspector Simon Chazovachiyi, the spokesperson for Mashonaland East Province Police, confirmed the incident.

“On the 17th of September, at approximately 7 pm, Luke Limbe, a resident of Artherstone in Marondera, was found dead on the road by Sabinah Machingura and Sally Majuru, both residents of Artherstone. They found him lying on the border between Ruzawi and Artherstone and immediately alerted people in the Artherstone business centre,” said Inspector Chazovachiyi.

Passersby found Limbe unconscious and transported him to Marondera General Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. “The hospital doctor, Dr Dzvuke, examined the deceased and confirmed that he had already passed away,” said Inspector Chazovachiyi.

The case was reported to the ZRP Marondera Rural Police.

“The body had multiple wounds and bruises, including a large wound on the right side of the chest, another large wound on the abdomen, and wounds on the right side of the neck. This suggests that the assailants used blunt objects to kill the victim,” said Inspector Chazovachiyi.

The deceased was found with US$9 in his trouser pockets and a satchel bag containing an empty lunch box.

Limbe’s death has sparked outrage amongst his colleagues at Halsteds, who accuse the company of neglecting their welfare. They claim that the company prioritizes profits over staff safety, particularly regarding transportation.

The company does not provide transport to and from work, leaving employees vulnerable to danger, especially when walking home late at night.

This anger was further fuelled when some Halsteds employees spent the afternoon manufacturing a coffin for Limbe using company materials. Workers feel the company should have purchased a coffin, demonstrating a lack of Ubuntu.

Halstead store Manager Phyllis van Reenen defended the company’s actions, stating that the woodwork department made arrangements to create a coffin.

However, Ndera FM News investigations revealed that employees are unhappy, having contributed funds to support Limbe’s family.

Reenen confirmed that the company held a meeting and arranged for food at the funeral, with burial scheduled for tomorrow at Glensomers cemetery in Marondera.

The incident has highlighted concerns over employee safety in Marondera by several other companies, particularly at hazardous pedestrian crossing zones, including Rujeko to Destiny, Rujeko to Afghanistan, and Cherima to Rujeko behind Rakodzi High School.

Poor street lighting exacerbates these dangers, prompting calls for local authorities to improve pedestrian crossing zones and consider implementing neighborhood watch committees to curb crime and theft.

The Zhantali case, where 23 people were murdered by one individual, underscores the urgency for collective action to address these concerns.

Inspector Chazovachiyi advised the public to avoid walking alone at night and to avoid using poorly lit pathways.

“We urge people to walk in groups at night, especially in secluded areas. We also appeal to the public to report any criminal activity to the police so that the perpetrators can be apprehended and brought to justice,” said Inspector Chazovachiyi.

He further encouraged anyone with information regarding the murder to contact the nearest police station.

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