The President’s Office is very much interested in your case: Magistrate tells man as he demands US$3,000 bribe


The Zimbabwean justice system has been rocked by another corruption scandal, this time involving a Gwanda magistrate who has been arrested for demanding a US$3,000 bribe from a man appearing before his court.

Talent Phiri, 35, was apprehended and arraigned before the Bulawayo Magistrates’ Court on charges of bribery. The allegations against Phiri are serious and paint a disturbing picture of corruption within the judiciary.

According to prosecutors, the incident occurred on August 27, 2024, when Phiri granted an Interim Protection Order in favour of an applicant against her former husband. As per procedure, a warrant of arrest was attached to the order.

However, it is alleged that on September 4, 2024, Phiri approached the applicant’s ex-husband and demanded a US$3,000 bribe in exchange for assistance with the case.

“He claimed that members from the President’s Office, National Prosecuting Authority of Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwe Republic Police had an interest in his case and would want him locked up in jail,” read a statement by the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA).

The ex-husband, who is now the informant in the case, managed to negotiate the bribe down to US$2,500 and an agreement was reached. Phiri then instructed the informant to bring the money to his home.

The informant, in a move that demonstrates the growing boldness of citizens in exposing corruption, recorded the phone calls and reported the matter to the police. This led to Phiri’s arrest through a carefully orchestrated trap.

Phiri’s arrest highlights the ongoing challenge of corruption within Zimbabwe’s judicial system. This case is not an isolated incident, and it underscores the need for robust measures to combat this pervasive problem.

The NPA’s statement further details the alleged scheme, stating that Phiri claimed to have influential connections within the government, including the President’s Office, the National Prosecuting Authority, and the Zimbabwe Republic Police. He allegedly used these claims to pressure the informant into paying the bribe.

Phiri was remanded in custody until September 9, 2024, as the investigation into the bribery allegations continues.

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