Chitungwiza ‘sugar mama’ stabs cheating Ben 10 for coming home late: Hubby forgives her and blames Satan


CHITUNGWIZA – A Chitungwiza man, Passmore Matsiga (29), has shown remarkable forgiveness towards his wife, Beauty Mabobo who is older than him, after she allegedly stabbed him on Friday for returning home late, H-Metro has reported.

The incident, which occurred in the town’s Unit N area, has sparked debate about the complexities of domestic relationships and the consequences of infidelity.

Passmore, who was treated and discharged from Chitungwiza Hospital after the attack, has chosen to forgive his wife, acknowledging his own role in the incident.

“I am better now; I am left with going back to the hospital to have seven stitches removed,” he told H-Metro.

“I want to believe that it was an evil spirit that wanted to destroy my marriage of 12 years and three children.”

Passmore candidly admitted to spending the night at a girlfriend’s house, a decision that led to the confrontation with his wife.

To be honest, I slept at a girlfriend’s house and woke up the following day. I decided to take more beers to give my wife the impression that I had slept at a nightclub,” he said. “However, the state of my hair betrayed me. My wife kept on asking if the night club had blankets to give their clients.”

The argument escalated quickly, with Beauty becoming increasingly angry.

“She became angry and slapped me, I pushed her and escaped to find peace away from home. She took my okapi knife, which I use at swimming pools to cut threads and ran after me. I was not aware that she was following and she got hold of me. She became violent and tripped me down and that is when she stabbed me,” Passmore recounted.

Despite the severity of the attack, Passmore’s focus remains on reconciliation.

“I made a report to police about the stabbing and wish to withdraw the attempted murder charges,” he said.

“I love my wife; I am the one who wronged her by sleeping outside. I am now between a rock and a hard place since the investigating officer wants to see me and at the same time, I want to meet my wife for peace with her and my in-laws.”

Meanwhile, Harare provincial police spokesperson Inspector Luckmore Chakanza confirmed the case and appealed for information that may lead to Beauty’s arrest.

“Police are investigating an attempted murder case in Chitungwiza. Circumstances are that the complainant and accused person are husband and wife. The complainant (husband) left home at around 7 pm to drink beer at Unit N Shopping Centre and returned the following day at 9 am. Upon arrival, the accused (wife) asked him why he had not slept at home the previous night and that led to a misunderstanding between the two,” said Insp Chakanza.

“After the misunderstanding was heating up, the complainant left home towards Unit N Shopping Centre, and the accused followed him. The accused caught up with the complainant at Zvigure Dance Ground, and the two started fighting. During the altercation, the complainant tripped the accused, causing her to fall to the ground. Complainant dropped an Okapi knife from his trousers and she picked up the knife and stabbed the complainant once in the stomach. The okapi was recovered at the scene,” he added.

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