Gunshots fired and deadly war erupts at Paul Mwazha’s Church over President Mnangagwa’s visit


A fierce turf war has erupted within Paul Mwazha’s Africa Apostolic Church ahead of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s visit to the church’s Ndarikure Shrine on August 30, 2024.

The conflict, which has escalated to the point of gunfire and destruction, threatens to overshadow the President’s visit and cast a dark shadow over the annual church gathering.

The clash is between two factions within the church, one led by Reverend Nyika Murisi and the other by Enerst Mhambare and Kurauone Sibanda. Murisi’s faction is claiming permission from church leader Archbishop Paul Mwazha and has been preparing for the conference scheduled for August 30 to September 1, New Zimbabwe has reported.

However, Mhambare and Sibanda’s faction have allegedly disrupted these preparations, leading to a dangerous escalation of violence.

In a letter to Police Commissioner-General Godwin Matanga, Murisi’s lawyers, Rubaya and Chatambudza Legal Practitioners, outlined the alarming situation. They allege that on August 19, Sibanda and his supporters, armed with a JCB machine and grader, destroyed the church’s functioning toilets at the Ndarikure Shrine.

The letter states, “They proceeded to Ndarikure Shrine with a JCB machine as well as a grader wherein they proceeded to raze down the church toilets which were functioning well in a bid to prevent the church gathering that is scheduled for the 30th of August 2024 to the 1st of September 2024.”

The destruction didn’t stop there. “He has allegedly proceeded to dig trenches across the roads leading to the shrine in a bid to block our clients from accessing the shrine,” the letter continues.

“Kurauone allegedly discharged a firearm to disperse some of our clients who had proceeded to the shrine to commence preparatory works. He proceeded to point the firearm to other church members who tried to negotiate with him.”

The lawyers further allege that the Mhambare faction is abusing a court order obtained against another faction, which they claim does not relate to their clients.

They argue that despite Mwazha’s consent for the gathering, Mhambare and his supporters are attempting to stop it without a lawful order against Murisi’s faction.

Murisi’s faction sees the conflict as politically motivated, citing the presence of President Mnangagwa as the guest of honour at the gathering.

The lawyers claim, “Our clients suspect that Ernest Mhambare, Kuauone Sibanda, and his cabal are sympathetic to other political actors who are opposed to the Presidency, of His Excellency Cde. Dr Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa since he is the one earmarked to attend as the Guest of Honour.”

The lawyers have requested police protection for the conference, citing the potential for further violence and disruption.

“It is critical for the Zimbabwe Republic Police to attend our clients’ meetings for purposes of keeping peace since they are peace-loving,” the letter states.

“In the circumstances, our clients are requesting protection and security during the intended gathering scheduled from 30th of August 2024 to the 1st of September 2024.”

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