Nyamandlovu woman kills her 1 year 6 months old baby for crying too much… as Zaka man kills his son (2)


A chilling incident has shaken the nation, as a young mother in Nyamandlovu, Matabeleland North province, has been arrested for the murder of her 18-month-old son.

The horrific act, driven by the mother’s frustration with her son’s incessant crying, has left Zimdabule villagers in Nyamandlovu reeling.

Police confirmed the arrest of Siphethebuhle Nkomo – who is 20 years old – stating that the incident occurred on 14 August 2024 at Zimdabule Village 4, Deli, Nyamandlovu.

“On 14 August 2024, police in Nyamandlovu, Lupane arrested Siphethebuhle Nkomo, 20, in connection with a case of murder in which she strangled to death her son (18 months) after failing to silence him while crying on 14 August 2024 at Zimdabule Village 4, Deli, Nyamandlovu,” police said.

This tragic incident is not an isolated case. In a separate, equally disturbing incident, a suspected mental patient, Fambisai Tavengerwei, aged 50, was arrested for the murder of his 2-year-old son.

Tavengerwei is accused of repeatedly striking his son with a log on the head, leading to the child’s death. The incident occurred on 14 August 2024 at Madzore Village, Nyakunhuwa, Zaka.

The details of these cases paint a grim picture of the harsh realities facing some families in Zimbabwe. The lack of support systems and the overwhelming pressures of poverty can lead to desperate and tragic actions.

The case of Fambisai Tavengerwei, the suspected mental patient, raises further concerns about the lack of mental health services in Zimbabwe. The fact that a man suspected of having mental health issues was able to take the life of his own child highlights the urgent need for accessible and effective mental health care in the country.

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