Latest on Marondera man Ezekiel Chibvongodze who stabbed his wife and son to death: Neighbours speak out


A chilling tale of domestic violence unfolded two weeks ago in the Nyameni High Density suburb of Marondera, leaving the ghetto reeling in shock and grief.

Ezekiel MacDonald Chibvongodze, a 29-year-old loan broker, stands accused of brutally murdering his wife, Mitchel Evelyn Katakwe (26), and their six-year-old son, Kimley Tawananyasha.

The horrific events unfolded in the early hours of July 23rd, 2024. Chibvongodze, consumed by suspicions of his wife’s alleged infidelity, purchased an Okapi knife in Marondera town. He returned home and waited for his wife and son to fall asleep before launching a savage attack and stabbed them repeatedly until they both died.

The news crew got in touch with neighbours and co-tenants to solicit comments from them so as to understand what really transpirred and what could have triggered the heinous knife attack.

Adding to the chilling nature of the crime, it has emerged that Chibvongodze wrote a suicide letter blaming his wife’s mother for controlling their marriage. This suggests a deep-seated resentment and a possible breakdown in the couple’s relationship.

The community is left grappling with the senseless loss of life, struggling to comprehend the motive behind this horrific act. The tragedy has once again brought to light the devastating impact of domestic violence, highlighting the need for greater awareness and support for victims.

Patuma Machekano, Tawananyasha’s teacher, expressed shock and trauma, blaming the father for involving children in their disputes.

“I am still in shock. I blame the father for involving children in their disputes. We need to seek third-party help to settle disputes,” she said.

Kashmar Ziyera, Egenia’s husband and fellow tenant, also revealed that the murder was premeditated.

He revealed that Chibvongodze purchased an okapi knife in Marondera town and returned home, waiting for his wife and son to fall asleep before brutally stabbing them multiple times.

Ziyera highlighted the need for proactive measures to curb domestic violence.

“Organisations, schools, churches, and the government must conduct awareness campaigns in order to curb cases of domestic violence. We need to be proactive, not reactive,” he said.

Egenia Bhainai, a tenant in the same house, provided a chilling eyewitness account of the events. “I was in my room when I heard the woman crying out for help.

“Aichema achiti ndiri kubaiwa nebanga, ndava kufa ndibatsireiwo’. (She was crying out for help saying she was being stabbed with a knife and she was dying),” she said, her voice trembling with the memory.

“I rushed to their bedroom door and tried to open it, but it was locked from inside. I started banging on the door and shouting, but no one opened it. The woman continued crying helplessly,” she continued.

Bhainai, fearing for her own safety, retreated to her room and locked herself inside.

“I was afraid that the man would also attack me. I took a peek and saw the woman staggering out, crying and bleeding. She came through my kitchen door and fell outside. Her husband then rushed out through another door,” she recalled.

Bhainai rushed to her neighbours for assistance. When she returned, Evelyn was gone. “I went inside the house, thinking she had gone back inside. When I entered their dining room, I saw their son lying on the floor with a knife stuck in his back,” she said.

Bhainai’s screams alerted the neighbours, and they rushed to the scene, their hearts sinking as they witnessed the unfolding tragedy.

“I went outside to search for Mitchell. That is when I found her lying about 30 metres from the house, breathing faintly. I asked her what was happening, but she only stared at me as she was struggling to breathe. We tried to get a vehicle to take her to the hospital, but failed, and she died,” Bhainai said.

The scene was one of unimaginable horror. The young boy, Kimley, lay lifeless on the floor, a knife protruding from his back. His mother, Mitchel, was found lying a short distance away, her body bearing the gruesome marks of the attack.

Chibvongodze, after the brutal killings, attempted to take his own life by consuming rat poison. However, his attempt failed, and he was found by neighbours and taken to the hospital.

Following the incident, Chibvongodze was arrested and charged with two counts of murder. He appeared before Marondera Regional Magistrate Mr Panashe Matongo, where he was remanded in custody after being denied bail.

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