Popular barber Clever ‘B-Giant’ Marumbwa stabbed multiple times by 6 deadly armed robbers until he dies


Mutare is reeling in shock after the senseless murder of popular Dangamvura barber, Clever Marumbwa who is fondly known as B-Giant. The 39-year-old hair technician was stabbed to death by six unknown assailants last Saturday night.

The brutal attack occurred as Marumbwa and his friend, Mr Retiscence Mutare, were walking home from Dangamvura Complex. As they reached a footbridge between Area 3 and Beta Shopping Centre, six men whose faces were hidden emerged from the darkness and their intentions were very clear. They demanded the men surrender their valuables and when the two men complied the assailants launched into a savage attack.

Three of the robbers turned on Mr Mutare and stabbed him on both hands and the back. The other three assailants focused their fury on Marumbwa and stabbed him repeatedly on the abdomen, back, right thigh and left hip. The attackers then vanished into the night leaving their victims bleeding and helpless.

Mr Mutare who is still shaken by the attack believes the assailants had planned to kill Marumbwa.

“If it was not planned, they should have just grabbed whatever we had and leave us alive. We never resisted, but they indiscriminately stabbed us, and eventually killed Marumbwa. I am still in a state of shock. Marumbwa was a cool, calm and peaceful guy who could hardly hurt a fly. I cannot process why someone would target such a gentle guy. He was a prayerful person, and would always make sure his paths are guided by the Word of God. We would often read the Bible together,” he said.

“They took away my shoes, cellphone and power bank as well as US$50 that was in my pocket. One of them shouted and instructed his colleague to finish me off, but the assailant, who had a knife, kept staring at me. He stabbed me on both hands and back. He was seemingly reluctant to kill me as had been ordered. I cheated death by a whisker, but there is no cause to celebrate,” said Mr Mutare.

Mr Mutare described the horrifying scene after the attack: “At that time, I did not realise that my friend had been savagely attacked. They stabbed him all over the body, including the stomach with a knife, and he lost a lot of blood as a result. When they disappeared into the darkness, I cried for help as blood gushed from my stab wounds. I rushed back to Dangamvura Complex to seek help. Nobody could believe what they were seeing as all my clothes were soaked in blood. People were shocked to see me in that state. I told them that Marumbwa was badly injured and unable to walk. Good Samaritans came by, including a nurse, and we rushed to the scene where he was lying helplessly in a pool of blood with breathing difficulties. They assisted him and rushed both of us to Victoria Chitepo Provincial Hospital where, unfortunately he died on arrival.”

The attack has exposed the vulnerability of residents to violent crime, particularly under the cover of darkness. Marumbwa’s death has left a void in Mutare due to a senseless crime. He was known for his friendly demeanour and his dedication to his hair-styling craft and he has left behind a legacy of kindness and skill.

The assailants stole a Huawei cellphone and three hair clippers from Marumbwa’s satchel along with Mr Mutare’s Samsung A30 cellphone, power bank and US$50. The total value of stolen property was US$200 and nothing has been recovered.

Acting Manicaland provincial police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Wiseman Chinyoka said police investigations are in progress and they are doing all they can to bring the suspects to book. He appealed to the public for any information that may lead to the arrest of these murderers.

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