RUNYOKA: Chikomba camps at married woman’s house as insects come out his ‘anaconda’ – It gets worse if I go home


A Bikita gentleman lives a nightmare after developing an adulterous relationship with a married woman, resulting in him believing he was afflicted by a mysterious ailment caused by “runyoka” (juju magic). Nelson Matupire claims for the past twelve months he has experienced excruciating stomach pains and a bizarre sensation of insects crawling on his private parts.

Matupire has relocated and now resides at the woman’s dwelling, refusing to depart until her husband dispels him of the alleged curse. He told TellZim News that he met the woman in Beitbridge while she was briefly separated from her spouse, and their relationship turned intimate. Shortly thereafter, his troubles began.

“I met the lady in Beitbridge and we got intimate after she had separated from her husband. After that I began to have problems, I have something like an STI on the privates and I feel like there are small insects that come out from there and fly leaving irritants (Uriri/unye) similar to hurukuru (The buffalo bean),” Matupire said.

He explained that he discovered the source of his problems when he learned that the woman had been “centrally locked” by her husband (akaiswa runyoka/Rukawo). He said tried to engage with the husband but the couple reconciled and disappeared then left Matupire to suffer on his own.

“When I tried to establish the problem that’s when I learnt that I had slept with a lady who was locked (akaiswa runyoka/Rukawo). When I tried to engage them they had reconciled and they both ran away and I struggled for a very long time. We visited faith healers who told me that the lady’s husband was responsible for my illness but he denies,” said Matupire.

The woman is now also suffering from severe stomach aches and has confirmed that she was also affected by the same ‘central locking system’ charm that affects whoever she sleeps with. For that reason, the woman has now joined forces with Matupire in trying to resolve the mysterious problem that the two lovers are experiencing.

“The woman is now suffering from stomach aches and she was told it’s because of the charm put on her that was making her sick. So I am now staying at her place but the husband is still slippery,” said Matupire.

Matupire insists that their relationship is purely platonic and that they are only staying together because of the situation they are faced with. This is, however, despite the fact that the woman is married. He claims that his condition surprisingly worsens whenever he returns to his own home.

“If I go back home, the pain increases and its better if I am here that is why I am staying but there is nothing between us and we cannot risk another engagement since she is also suffering. I have been in and out of police custody as I often clash with the family,” said Matupire.

Sekuru Isaiah Zirumbwa Magadzire, who is the Village head of the Magadzire Village where the woman comes from, confirmed the incident and said they are trying to help Matupire but the alleged perpetrator is nowhere to be found.

“The young man met this lady who is married in Beitbridge after she had separated with her husband. The two got intimate and the man started suffering from stomach pains in which he says he felt things like worms moving up and down his stomach. After the incident, the woman’s husband then followed up on his wife and they reconciled, however, the man continued suffering until he came here to engage the woman’s husband,” said Zirumbwa.

“The challenge now is that the alleged perpetrator denied having used any locking system (juju) and has since disappeared. So what we did is to seek help from the police to intervene and make sure that the man stays. As it stands they are staying together and Matupire sleeps in another room. Before, he used to sleep outside. We warned them against intimacy as that could worsen the situation,” he added.

The village head also appealed to those who may help the young man to provide their services to him. He said the troubled man has been receiving assistance from different churches and his condition has slightly improved because of that.

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