Talking about high prices & load shedding plus possessing a man-made stonyeni gets 2 arrested, court packed with CIOs


Masvingo Magistrates Court was filled to the brim with senior police officers and members of the dreaded Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) following the arrest of two foreigners.

Lucas Slavik from the Czech Republic and Tom Ssekamwa from Uganda stood accused of spreading lies and possessing an artificial stonyeni, which they supposedly use to quench their lula lula desires whenever the ‘tank’ is full.

The courtroom overflowed with senior policemen and meticulous agents of the CIO, an unusual sight that perturbed legal scholars.

Slavik faced charges of spreading ‘lies’ about Zimbabwe after covertly documenting the dire economic situation that Zimbabweans are enduring. In his recording, he bemoaned the lack of reliable water supply and too much load shedding due to electricity shortages, exorbitant costs of living as well as high inflation that is oppressing the populace.

Ssekamwa, a fellow African from Uganda where lula lula toys are also illegal was found in possession of a sex toy in his bag and he too was arrested for possessing an illegal adult’s pleasure gadget.

The irony of the situation in the courtroom without electricity due to load shedding was evident to all present during the court session. With no power humming through the walls, Slavik’s lawyer Knowledge Mabvure of Chihambwakwe Law Chambers posed the question to the magistrate – would it be untruthful to acknowledge the plain lack of electricity present in the courtroom?

Mabvure also revealed that Masvingo had gone for several days without water and had experienced 12-hour-load shedding, a reality that the greater part of Zimbabwe has been experiencing since last year’s August elections.

Reports indicate that the Czech embassy is making frantic efforts to secure the release of their countryman while Masvingo police have already seized Slavik and Ssekamwa’s laptops, cameras, a sex toy, passports, cash and bags for investigation.

The duo’s arrest comes at a time when Zimbabwe is faced with a stern economic crisis that includes widespread power interruptions, water scarcity and rising inflation.

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