Aunt’s advice for DNA tests kwa Tinashe Mugabe results in Pregnant Form 4 student committing suicide


The air hung heavy with grief and disbelief as mourners gathered at the burial of a young Form Four student from Nketa High School in Bulawayo. The girl, whose name remains withheld to protect her family’s privacy, took her own life after her boyfriend allegedly rejected her pregnancy. The incident has sent shockwaves through the community, highlighting the devastating consequences of teenage pregnancy and the pressures faced by young people in our society.

The somber ceremony, held on Monday, was a testament to the young life cut tragically short. Friends, family, and neighbours gathered to pay their final respects, their faces etched with sorrow and disbelief. The girl’s death has left a void in the lives of those who knew her, a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the devastating impact of despair.

According to sources, the young girl, after discovering her pregnancy, sought support from her boyfriend, an Upper Six student at the same school. However, he reportedly denied responsibility, leaving her feeling abandoned and alone. This rejection, coupled with the weight of her situation, is believed to have pushed her towards suicidal thoughts.

On July 12th, the girl visited her boyfriend’s residence, seeking solace or perhaps an explanation. Later, she was found by her aunt, who brought her back home. Despite the aunt’s efforts to address the situation and indicating to her that they would go for DNA tests at Tinashe Mugabe’s Global DNA, the girl’s despair proved too overwhelming, not knowing whether she was afraid of getting 0% results or waiting for almost a year to undergo the tests. She eventually took her own life, hanging herself in the family’s yard.

Assistant Inspector Nomalanga Msebele, confirming the death, stated that the police report did not mention pregnancy. The police account details the girl leaving home for extra lessons, but then being seen entering her boyfriend’s house. Her aunt, concerned after not finding her, discovered her hanging from a guava tree in their yard. Despite efforts to revive her, the girl was pronounced dead by ambulance personnel upon arrival.

Asst Insp Msebele, in her statement, urged children to focus on their education, obey their parents, and seek help rather than resorting to suicide when facing personal challenges. “We must teach our children to be responsible and to seek support when they are facing difficult situations,” she said, her voice heavy with concern.

The tragedy at Nketa High School has brought to the forefront the complex issues of teenage pregnancy, societal pressures, and the importance of mental health support for young people. It also highlights the importance of open communication between young people and their families, as well as the need for greater awareness and understanding of mental health issues among teenagers.

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