Deadly man (29) who was arrested for murder last year at sangoma’s house, kills another man over cigarette


Chinhoyi is reeling in shock and fear following the brutal stabbing death of Stewart Nyasha Mbewe, a 32-year-old resident of Chitambo suburb, on the 14th of July. The alleged perpetrator, Tatenda Mutamba, a 29-year-old man from Gadzema, is already known to the authorities, having been arrested and released on bail in connection with a previous murder.

The incident, which occurred in the early hours of the morning outside the Varsity Night Club at the Gadzema bus terminus, has sent a wave of terror and fear through the Chinhoyi community. Police reports indicate that Mbewe was fatally stabbed in the right hip and buttocks after refusing to share a cigarette with Mutamba. The assailant then vanished into the night, leaving Mbewe lying in a pool of blood.

“The victim was discovered at the scene around 0530 hours by an informant who happened to be his relative and was rushed to hospital where he succumbed to injuries around 1400 hours,” confirmed Inspector Ian Kohwera, the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Mashonaland West spokesperson.

The chilling details of the incident have brought back memories of a previous murder, committed in June 2023, for which Mutamba was arrested alongside two accomplices, Tinashe Pamhidzai (20) and Blessing Kandero (26). The trio were accused of killing Munyaradzi Mahwine, a 40-year-old Chinhoyi man, after a violent robbery.

The arrest of the three suspects in June 2023 was dramatic, taking place at a traditional healer’s shrine where they were seeking to ward off the avenging spirits of their victim. Police found them in possession of dangerous weapons, including an okapi knife, machete, and catapults, further solidifying their alleged involvement in the crime.

The court heard that on June 18, 2023, the trio, along with accomplices Lazarus Machaya and two others only identified as Nice and Godknows, had formed a gang that targeted lone pedestrians at night. They lay in wait for their victims, demanding cash and resorting to violence when met with resistance.

“The court heard at around 11 pm, the six-man gang proceeded to a secluded place on the outskirts of the Hunyani section, opposite the Chafa bottle store and lay ambush. The squad pounced on the passer-by, Mahwine and his unidentified colleague, and started manhandling the pair demanding cash, before stabbing the now deceased on the right thigh once with a knife,” stated the court record.

The victim’s screams alerted police officers on patrol, who rushed to the scene, causing the assailants to flee. Mahwine was found unconscious and bleeding profusely from a deep wound. He died at the scene before receiving medical attention.

Mutamba and his accomplices were subsequently charged with murder.

The recent incident, however, has cast a dark shadow over the community. Residents are left wondering how a man accused of such a heinous crime could be released on bail, only to allegedly commit another murder.

“It’s terrifying,” said a resident of Chitambo suburb, who requested anonymity. “We feel vulnerable. How can someone who is accused of murder be walking free? What kind of justice system are we living under?”

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