National Hero status for Chiwenga’s ex-personal assistant Rt Brig-General Chaminuka who died after a very short illness


Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa has conferred national hero status on Brigadier-General (Retired) Michael Chaminuka and the late Brigadier-General (Retired) Lameck Mutanda. The announcement came on July 19, 2024, following the untimely passing of Brig-Gen Chaminuka on Saturday at Borrowdale Trauma Centre in Harare. He was 62 years old.

Brig-Gen Chaminuka, affectionately known by his Chimurenga name “Pepukai Hondo,” who died this week after a very short illness, will be laid to rest at the National Heroes Acre in Harare on a date yet to be announced. The late general made countless sacrifices to liberate Zimbabwe from the Ian Smith regime, and his immense contribution during and after the liberation struggle will be forever cherished.

Zanu PF National Chairperson Cde Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri delivered the message of President Mnangagwa’s decision to the Chaminuka family last night. “The late national hero sacrificed his entire life to liberate Zimbabwe from the Ian Smith regime. His immense contribution during and after the liberation struggle will be greatly cherished,” she said. Cde Muchinguri-Kashiri urged the Chaminuka family to remain resolute in supporting the party.

Brig-Gen Chaminuka’s daughter, Dr Michelle Rutendo Chaminuka, described her father as a hard-working person who loved his children and ensured they all attained educational qualifications. She commended President Mnangagwa and the Zanu PF leadership for declaring her father a national hero. “As the Chaminuka family, we will follow the footsteps of our father and support President Mnangagwa’s Vision 2030,” said Dr Chaminuka.

A Distinguished Military Career

Chaminuka, who hailed from Nkani Village under Chief Nematombo in Hurungwe, Mashonaland West, had a distinguished military career spanning decades. He first took up arms in the late 1970s, joining the liberation struggle against the Ian Smith regime and training at the iconic Tembwe Base 2 in Mozambique.

Following Zimbabwe’s hard-won independence, Chaminuka’s dedication to the country’s defence and security apparatus only deepened. He rose through the ranks, eventually serving as a personal staff officer to Vice President General (Retired) Constantine Chiwenga during the latter’s tenure as the Zimbabwe Defence Forces Commander.

A Key Player in Zimbabwe’s Recent History

Chaminuka’s role in the dramatic events of November 2017 that culminated in the ousting of the late President Robert Mugabe cannot be overstated. As a trusted confidant of Chiwenga, who led the military intervention, Chaminuka was a key player in the coup that ushered in the Emmerson Mnangagwa administration.

Tragically, Chaminuka’s passing adds yet another name to the list of Chiwenga’s close allies who have met their demise under suspicious circumstances since the historic coup. Generals Sibusiso Moyo and Perrence Shiri, prominent figures in the overthrow of Mugabe, were among those who met untimely ends. Their deaths cast a somber shadow over the nation, leaving many questioning the true nature of these tragic events.

Brigadier-General Lameck Mutanda

The late Brigadier-General Lameck Mutanda, who passed away in the United Kingdom on May 22, was also posthumously declared a national hero. President Mnangagwa conferred the honour in recognition of Mutanda’s significant contributions to the liberation struggle and the development of Zimbabwe.

A Legacy Worth Remembering

The late national heroes’ lives serve as a reminder of the sacrifices made by countless Zimbabweans in their pursuit of freedom and a better future for their nation. As the nation mourns their loss, their legacies will continue to inspire generations to come.

The Government will announce the burial date for Brig-Gen Chaminuka after consultations with the family. Mourners are currently gathered at 353 Valyonga Close in Glen Lorne, Harare. May the souls of these brave sons of Zimbabwe rest in eternal peace.

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