2 Chinese men who tortured Bindura miners ‘deported at night’: Nick Mangwana reveals why they were not arrested


The swift deportation of two Chinese nationals for their brutal assault on a Zimbabwean mine worker has left many questioning whether justice has truly been served. The incident, captured on a video that went viral, showed the worker tied up and hanging from a loader bucket, sparking widespread condemnation and calls for a harsher response.

The incident occurred at Makanga Mine in Bindura, where the two Chinese nationals, whose identities remain undisclosed, allegedly subjected the worker to a horrifying ordeal. The video, which circulated widely on social media, depicted the worker bound and suspended in a precarious position, highlighting the callous disregard for human dignity displayed by the perpetrators.

Posting on his X handle (Twitter), Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Mr Nick Mangwana said: “The two foreign nationals involved in this abuse depicted on a video that went viral were deported today (Wednesday).

The Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF), the voice of the country’s artisanal miners, expressed outrage at the barbaric act. In a statement, they condemned the incident as a “blatant violation of the Constitution of Zimbabwe,” which guarantees the right to personal security and freedom from torture or cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment.

“We will not stand idly while our members are subjected to such egregious abuse,” the ZMF declared. “ZMF vehemently condemns this despicable act and demands an immediate arrest and prosecution of the responsible persons, thorough investigation into the mine’s labour practices and swift action against any violations, and adequate support and compensation for the victim.”

“We will not tolerate such blatant disregard for human rights and the rule of law. ZMF stands in solidarity with the victim and will fight tirelessly to ensure justice is served.”

The swift action taken by the government, with the alleged deportation of the two Chinese nationals, has been met with mixed reactions. While some applaud the decisive response, others argue that it falls short of true justice.

“The punishment seems to be too lenient though. The duo should have been arrested first, appeared before the courts and sentenced, not to simply get deported. That is why many Zimbabweans feel that Chinese nationals get preferential treatment in Zimbabwe, more than the treatment that Zimbabwean citizens themselves get,” remarked a Bindura resident, echoing the sentiments of many.

A twitter user @CraigPersevera1 said “Mkoma Nick, why were these two foreign nationals [not] jailed? The reason why we say zanu pf is drunk is that you guys have policies which do not protect citizens. You seem to protect the so called Chinese investors at the expense of citizens!”

Much to everyone’s surprise, Nick Mangwwana said it’s much cheaper to simply send them back home: “It cost us much more as a country to feed them and secure them in prison than to send them home.”

Another Twitter user @BruceDormice said he strongly doubts that the individuals have been deported.

“That’s a lie. No details about where this was (we know it was somewhere in Zim), no names, no details about the deportation – nothing. Plus this is a crime. They should have faced the law first before deporting them.”

@Sparta2023 contributed by saying: “They were supposed to be arrested, jailed and deported after finishing their jail time. What protocol did you use?”

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