Woman pays price for bigamy after marrying another man before dissolving first marriage


Mutare woman convicted of bigamy, fined US$120

In a case highlighting the importance of upholding marital laws, a 40-year-old Mutare woman has been convicted and fined for the crime of bigamy.

Tambudzai Muwadi was sentenced by the Mutare Magistrates’ Court after it was revealed that she had contracted a second marriage while her first marriage was still legally valid.

Court records show that Muwadi initially got married to Jonathan Kisi in January 2004 under the Marriage Act. Though the couple later separated, they never officially cancelled or dissolved their marriage.

Despite this, Muwadi went on to marry a second man, Julius Tawanda Mukajami, in September 2005, also in accordance with the Marriage Act. By entering into this second union while still legally bound to her first husband, Muwadi committed the offense of bigamy.

The Mutare Magistrates’ Court found Muwadi guilty on the bigamy charge and ordered her to pay a fine of US$120. Failure to pay the fine would have resulted in a 30-day imprisonment sentence.

In addition to the monetary penalty, the court has also instructed the Registrar General’s office to cancel Muwadi’s second marriage certificate, effectively annulling that union.

This case serves as a stark reminder of the legal consequences that can arise from failing to properly dissolve a marriage before entering into a new one. Authorities have emphasized the importance of upholding the sanctity of marriage and respecting the legal processes involved.

As Muwadi faces the repercussions of her actions, the Mutare Magistrates’ Court’s ruling underscores the need for all citizens to adhere to the country’s marital laws and regulations.

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